Penguin Poets Books I Own
D 2: Wordsworth: A Selectionby W.E. Williams
D 3: Robert Burns
D 4: T.S. Eliot: A Selection by The Author- reprint
D 5: The Centuries' Poetry 5 Bridges to Present Day
D 6: The Centuries' Poetry I-Chaucer to Shakespeare-1st
D 7: The Centuries' Poetry 2-Donne to Dryden
D 8: The Centuries'Poetry 3- Pope to Keats - reprint
D 9: The Centuries'Poetry 4: Hood to Hardy- reprint
D 12: Contemporary Verse: Edited by Kenneth Allott- 1st
D 13: John Donne (reprint 1958)
D 15: Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Selection of His Poems & Prose by W. H. Gardner- 1st
D 16: Edith Sitwell: A Selection by the Author- 1st
D 18: Poems 1951: Prize Winning Entries for the Festival of Britain Competition-1st
D 19: The Penguin Book of Comic and Curious Verse (reprint 1961)
D 20: Border Ballads: Selected & Edit. by William Beattie-1st
D 21: Milton: Selected and Edited by L. D. Lerner
D 22: The Penguin Book of Modern American Verse: Edited by Geoffrey Moore-1st
D 24: Browning: A Selection by W.E. Williams-1st
D 25: Mathew Arnold: A Selection by Kenneth Allott-1st
D 27: Robert Frost: Selected by Himself -1st
D 27: Robert Frost: Selected by Himself & W/ an Intro. by C. Day Lewis- reprint
D 27: Robert Frost: Selected by himself (different cover from one above) -reprint
D 28: John Dryden: A Selection by Douglas Grant-1st
D 31: More Comic & Curious Verse: Selected by J.M. Cohen
D 33: The Penguin of French Verse 3 (The Nineteenth Century)
D 35: Samuel Taylor Goldridge
D 37: The Penguin Book of Italian Verse
D 38: The Metaphysical Poets: Edited by Helen Gardner-1st
D 39: Robert Graves: Selected by Himself
D 38: The Metaphysical Poets: Introduced and Ed. by Helen Gardner-reprint
D 40: The Penguin Book of Australian Verse: Ed. by J.Thompson, K.Slessor, & R.G. Howarth-1st
D 43: The Penguin Book of French Verse 2 (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century)
D 44: Hilaire Belloc: Collected Verse-1st
D 48: Yet More Comic & Curious Verse: Selected by J.M. Cohen-1st
D 50: The Penguin Book of French Verse 1 (to 15th century)
D 53: Thomas Hardy 1st
D 58: Robert Herrick: Selected Poems, Edited & Intro by John Hayward-1st
D 59: Georgian Poetry: Selected and Introduced by James Reeves
D 62: Penguin Modern Poets 2: Kingsley Amis; Dom Moraes; Peter Porter
D 69: Yevtushenko Selected Poets Penguin Modern European Poets (1968)-reprint
D 71: Pushkin: Selected Verse w/ an Introduction and Prose Translations by John Fennell-1st
D 70: Penguin Modern Poets 3: George Barker, Martin Bell, Charles Causley -1st
D 83: The Penguin Book of Elizabethan Verse: Introduced & Edited by Edward Lucie-Smith -1st
D 85: Mallarme': Edited w/ Introduction & Prose Translation by Anthony Hartley-1st
D 88: The Penguin Book of Animal Verse: Intro & edit. by George MacBeth-1st
D 89: The Common Muse: Popular British Ballad Poetry from the 15th to 20th Century-1st
D 90: Penguin Modern Poets 7: Richard Murphy, Jon Silkin, Nathaniel Tarn-1st
D 96: The Penguin Book of Welsh Verse- Translated with an Introduction by Anthony Conran-1st
D 98: Heine: Selected Verse W/ an Introduction and Prose Translation by Peter Branscombe-1st
D 108: The Penguin Book of Restoration Verse: Intro & Edited by Harold Love- 1st
D 113: Penguin Modern Poets 14: Alan Brownjohn, Michael Hamburger, Charles Tomlinson- 1st
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Vintage Penguin Classics I Own
My Penguin Classics collection are mainly first published Penguins.
All copies are first published by Penguin Books unless otherwise marked.
I am always looking to complete the collection with first published books.
L 1: The Odyssey by Homer (reprint 1961)
L 2: Boule De Suif and Other Stories (1946)
L 3: The Theban Plays by Sophocles (1947)
L 4: Candide by Voltaire (1947)
L 5: Tacitus on Britaine and German by H. Mattingly
(trans) Edited by E.V. Rieu (1948)
L 8: The Pastoral Poems (The Eclogues) by Virgil (1949)
L 9: On The Eve by I.S. Turgenev (1950)
L 11: The Golden Ass (Apuleius) (1954R)
L 13: Manon Lescaut by Abbe Prevost (1949)
L 14: The Iliad by Homer (1950)
L 15: Madame Bovary by Flaubert (1961 reprint)
L 16: Three Plays (The Pillars of the Community, The
Wild Duck, Hedda Gabler) by Henrik Ibsen
L 18: The Nature of the Universe by Lucretius (1951)
L 22: The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer (1951)
L 23: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
L 24: Plato- The Symposium (reprint 1965)
L 26: The Lusiads by Camoens (1952)
L 27: The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis (1952)
L 28: Electra and Other Plays by Sophocles (1953)
L 31: Euripedes Alcestis and Other Plays - Hippolytus/ I Phigenia in Tauris/ Alcestis
L 32: The Four Gospels Transl by E.V.Rieu (1956 reprint)
L 33: The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1953)
L 34: Herodotus/The Histories (1965 reprint)
L 36: Five Plays by Moliere (1953)
L 37: The Last Days of Socrates (1958 reprint)
L 39: The Peloponnesian War (1954)
L 40: Oblomov by Goncharob (1954)
L 41: Anna Karenin by Leo Tolstoy (1954)
L 42: A History of the English Church and People by Bede (1955)
L 44: The Bacchae and Other Plays by Euripides (1954)
L 47: Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais (1955)
L 49: The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini Trans/Edit by George Bull (1956)
L 52: The Koran Translated by N.J. Dawood (reprint)
L 53: The Master Builder and Other Plays by Ibsen (1958)
L 54: The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
L 58: Ovid/Metamorphoses (reprint 1964)
L 59: Daphnis and Chloe by Longus (1956)
L 62: War and Peace I by L. N. Tolstoy (1957)
L 63: War and Peace II by L. N. Tolstoy (1957)
L 67: The Oresteian Trilogy by Aeschylus
L 75: The Song of Roland- New Translation by Dorothy L. Sayers (1957)
L 79: The Brothers Karamazov Part II by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1958)
L 80: Domestic Peace and Other Stories by Balzac (1958)
L 81: Arrian's Life of Alexander The Great (1958)
L 82: Three Plays (The Father/Miss Julia/Easter) Edited by E.V.Rieu (1958)
L 83: Essays by Montaigne (1958)
L 84: Fall of the Roman Republic by Plutarch (1958)
L 87: Piers the Ploughman by Langland (1959)
L 89: The Misanthrope and Other Plays by Moliere (1959)
L 90: The Jewish War by Josephus (1959)
L 95: Maxims by LA Rochefoucauld (1959)
L 96: Chehov Plays (Ivanov-The Cherry Orchard-The Seagull-Uncle Vania-3 Sisters (1959
L 99: Selected Works by Cicero (1960)
L 101: St John of the Cross Poems (1960)
L 102: The Rise and Fall of Athens Nine Greek Lives by Plutarch (1960)
L 111: Monkey Wu Ch' êng-ên (1961)
L 114: Confessions by Saint Augustine (1961)
L 117: Satirical Sketches by Lucian (1961)
L 130: The New Life by Dante (1964)
L 137: The Nibelungenlied (1965)
L 140: Marcus Aurelius/Meditations (1st 1964)
L 143: Lady with Lapdog and Other Stories (1964)
L 160: Cousin Bette by Balzac (1965)
L 162: Plato/Timaeus 1st (1965)
L 185: Sketches From a Hunter's Album by Turgenev (1967)
L 193: Menander Plays & Fragments/Theophrastus the Characters
Sunday, 5 August 2012
My Penguin Book List of Numbered Books I Own
Number = number on Penguin spine of main series
I own a first published copy of this book if highlighted.
I have a reprinted copy of this book but would like a first published one.
Not highlighted???? I don't have any copy of this book.
1 Ariel: Andre Maurois
2 A Farewell to Arms: Ernest Hemingway
2 (reprint) A Farewell to Arms: Ernest Hemingway
3 Poet's Pub: Eric Linklater
4 Madame Claire: Susan Erstz
5 The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club: Dorothy Sayers
6 (reprint) The Murder on the Links published Nov 1937
6aThe Mysterious Affair at Styles(first run of 10 published July 1935 + 2 early reprints)
then withdrawn
7 Twentyfive: Beverley Nichols
8 William: E.H. Young
9 Gone to Earth: Mary Webb
10 Carnival: Compton Mackenzie
11 South Wind: Norman Douglas
12 The Purple Land: W.H. Hudson
13 Patrol: Philip MacDonald
14 reprint The Thin Man: Dashiell Hammett
15 reprint- 3rd impression Four Frightened People: E. Arnot Robertson
16 The Edwardians: V. Sackville-West
17 The Informer: Liam O'Flaherty
18 Debonair: G. B. Stern
19 The Strange Case of Miss Annie Spragg: Louis Bromfield
20 Erewhon: Samuel Butler
21 Our Mr. Wrenn: Sinclair Lewis
22 Dr. Serocold: Helen Ashton
23 Esther Water: George Moore
24 Hangman's House: Donn Byrne
25 Naval Occasions: Bartimeus
26 Odd Craft: W. W. Jacobs
27 My Man Jeeves: P.G. Wodehouse
28 The Owl's House: Crosbie Garston
29 Autobiography (vol. 1) Margot Asquith
30 Autobiography (vol. 2) Margot Asquith
31 A Short History of the World: H.G. Wells
32 The Wayward Man: St John Irvine
33 Anna of the Five Towns: Arnold Bennett
34 Mr. fortune, Please: H.C. Bailey
35 The rocklitz: George Preedy
36 Almayer's Folly: Joseph Conrad
37 The Pilgrim of a Smile: Norman Davey
38 The Return: Walter de la Mare
39 The Wallet of Kai Lung: Ernest Bramah
40 Dodo: E.F. Benson
41 Crome Yellow: Aldous Huxley
42 Death of a Hero: Richard Aldington
43 A Safety Match: Ian Hay
44 A Cuckoo in the Nest: Ben Travers
45 The Glen O'Weeping: Marjorie Bowen
46 A Hind Let Loose: C.E. Montague
47 reprint The Lonely Plough: Constance Holme
48 A Passage to India: E.M. Forster
49 The Jungle: Upton Sinclair
50 9th imp The W Plan: Graham Seton
51 Morning Tide: Neil M. Gunn
52 The Spanish Farm: R. H. Mottram
53 Dusty Answer: Rosamond Lehmann
54 I am Johnathon Srivener: Claude Houghton
55 The Party Dress: Joseph Hergesheimer
56 The Hounds of Spring: Sylvia Thompson
57 The Black Diamond: Francis Brett Young
58 The Poisoned Chocolates Case: Anthony Berkeley
59 Three Wives: Beatrice Kean Seymour
60 The Dark Invader; Captain von Rintelen
61 The Mysterious Affair at Styles: Agatha Christie reprinted from the 1935 one
62 The Missing Money Lender: W. Stanley Sykes
63 reprint Raffles: E.W. Hornung
64 The Four Just Men: Edgar Wallace
65 The Man in the Dark: John Ferguson
66 The Surgeon's Log: James Johnston Abraham
67 My South Sea Island: Eric Muspratt
68 With Mystics & Magicians in Tibet: A. David-Neel
69 Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident Magistrate (vol 1): C.A.W. Monckton
70 Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident Magistrate (vol 2): C.A.W. Monckton
71 Confessions and Impressions: Ethel Mannin
72 She Still Wished for Company: Margaret Irwin
73 Mr. Weston's Good Wine: T.F. Powys
74 Thunder on the Left: Christopher Morley
75 Decline and Fall: Evelyn Waugh
76 Dangerous Ages: Rose Macaulay
77 Grey Wolf: H.C. Armstrong (reprint-sixth impression)
78 Trent's Last Case: E.C. Bentley
79 6th The Rasp: Philip MacDonald
80 The Dawn of Reckoning: James Hilton
81 Tarka the Otter: Henry Williamson
82 Undertones of War: Edmund Blunden
83 The Poacher: H.E. Bates
84 Lolly Willowes: Sylvia Townsend Warner
85 Sir Isumbras at the ford: D. K. Broster
86 These Charming People: Michael Arien
87 reprint: Greenery Street: Denis mackail
88 The Gree Lacquer Pavilion: Helen Beauclerk
89 The Documents in the Case: Dorothy L. Sayers & Robert Eustace
90 The Sanfield Scandal: Richard Keverne
91 reprint Ghost Stories of an antiquary: M. R. James
91 Ghost Stories of an Antiquary- first Australian Impression
92 The Hampdenshire Wonder: J. D. Beresford
93 reprint Wild Strawberries: Angela Thirkell
94 Saturday Night at the Greyhound: John Hampson
95 The Man Who Was Thursday: G. K. Chesterton (2nd Impres.)
96 Selected Modern Short Stories: Sel. Alan Steele
97 Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. : E. E. Somerville & Martin Ross
98 The Murders in Praed Street: John Rhode
99 The Worst Journey in the World (vol. 1) Apsley Cherry-Garrard
100 The Worst Journey in the World (vol. 2) Apsley Cherry-Garrard
101 Mr. Justice Raffles: E.W. Hornung
102 Youth rides Out: Beatrice Kean Seymour
103 A Tall Ship: Bartimeus
104 Deep Waters: W. W. Jacobs
105 Mantrap: Sinclair Lewis
106 Now East Now West: Susan Ertz
107 Private Worlds: Phyllis Bottome
108 Kai Lung Unrolls his Mat: Ernest Bramah
109 The Fiddler: sarah Gertrude Millin
110 Disraeli: Andre Maurois
111 The Hound of the Baskervilles; A. Conan Doyle (3rd Impression 1938)
112 Children of the Earth: Ethel Mannin
113 The Secret of the Sahara: rosita Forbes
114 Foch: Man of Orleans (Vol. I) B. H. Liddell Hart
115 Foch: Man of Orleans (Vol II) B. H. Liddell Hart
116 On England: Stanley Baldwin
117 Seven Famous One Act Plays: Ed. John Ferguson
118 While rome burns: Alexander Woollcott
119 Billiards & Snooker for Amateur Players: Horace Lindrum
120 Penguin Parade (1)
121 Lean Men (Vol I) Ralph Bates
122 Lean Men (Vol II) Ralph Bates
123 Soldier's Pay: William Faulkner
124 It Walks by Night: John Dickson Carr
125 An Indian Day: Edward Thompson
126 Trader Horn: Alfred Aloysius Horn
127 The Havering Plot: Richard Keverne
128 Lord of Arabia: H. C. Armstrong
129 Week-end Book (No. 1): Editor F. and V. Meynell x 2
130 Week-end Book (No. 2): Editor F. and V. Meynell x 2
131 Ten Minute Alibi: Anthony Armstromg & Herbert Shaw (reprint)
132 Mr. Perrin & Mr. Trail: Hugh Walpole
133 Watkin's Last Expedition: F. S. Chapman
134 Carl & Anna: Leonhard Frank
135 Seven Red Sundays: Ramon J. Sender
136 Vile Bodies: Evelyn Waugh
137 Death at Swaythling Court: J. J. Connington-this is first Australian copy not British
138 Self: Beverley Nichols
139 Flying Dutchman: Anthony Fokker
140 Cold Comfort Farm: Stella Gibbons
141 I Find Four People: Pamela Frankau
142 Spider Web: Alice Campbell
143 Fontamara: Ignazio Silone
144 20 Years A'Growing: Maurice O'Sullivan
145 The Paradine Case (1): Robert Hichens
146 The Paradine Case (2): Robert Hichens
147 The Man in the Red Hat: Richard Keverne
148 The Land That God Gave Cain: J. M. Scott
149 Winged Warfare: W. A. Bishop
150 The Miracle of Pielle: J. L. Campbell
151 The Invisible Man: H. G. Wells
152 Enter a Murderer: Ngaio Marsh
153 The Piccadilly Murder: Anthony Berkeley
154 The House on Tollard Ridge: John rhode
155 Murder at Crome House: G. D. H. and M. Cole
156 The Red House Mystery: A. A. Milne
157 The Mystery of Dr Fu-Manchu: sax Rohmer
158 The Waxworks Murders: John Dixon Carr
159 The Dangerfield Talisman: J. J. Connington
160 Obelists at Sea: C. Daly King
161 North to the Orient: Anne Morrow Lindbergh
162 Before the Bombardment: Osbert Sitwell
163 Charlton: L. E. O. Charlton
164 Queer St. (1): Edward Shanks
165 Queer St. (2): Edward Shanks
166 The Centaur: Algernon Blackwood
167 Unseemly Adventure: Ralph Straus
168 The House of Exile: Nora Waln
169 As We Were; E. F. Benson
170 Modern Short Stories (2): Sel. Alan Steele
171 Peking Picnic: Ann Bridge
172 The Crescent Moon: Francis Brett Young
173 Ethan Frome: Edith Wharton
174 Kai-Lungs Golden Hours: Ernest Bramah
175 Crewe Train: Rose Macaulay
176 The Grand Babylon Hotel: Arnold Bennett
177 Ragged Banners: Ethel Mannin
178 Chaos is Come Again: Claude Houghton
179 Black Mischief: Evelyn Waugh
180 Tales from Tchehov: Trans. Constance Garnett
181 An Inkeeper's Diary: John Fothergill
182 Night Flight: Antoine de Saint-Eupery
183 The Fight of the Firecrest: Alain Gerbault
184 Selected Short Stories: 'Saki'
185 Confessions of a Young Man: George Moore
186 Penang Appointment: Norman Collins
187 The Egyp's Gold: David Scott
188 Murder in the Maze; J.J. Connington
189 But Soft, We are Observed; Hilaire Belloc
190 Death of My Aunt: C. H. B. Kitchin
191 Ordinary Families; E. Arnot Robertson
192 Barnham Rectory: Doreen Wallace
193 Sledge: Martin Lindsay
194 Helene: Vicki Baum
195 The City of Beautiful Nonsense: E. Temple Thurston
196 Four Plays: A. A. Milne
197 The Story of an African Farm: Olive Schreiner
198 Amateur Adventure: Kenneth Gandar Dower
199 In the Midst of Life: AMbrose Bierce
200 Back to Methuselah: Bernard Shaw
201 The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze: William Saroyan
202 The Escaping Club: A.J. Evants
203 The Colonel's Daughter: Richard Aldiongton
204 Grey Steel: H. C. Armstrong
205 From Red Sea to Blue Nile: Rosita Forbes
206 Frost in May: Antonia White
207 Captain Scott: Stephen Gwynne
208 Bardelys the Magnificent: Rafael Sabatini
209 No 17: J. Jefferson Farjeon
210 A Man Lay Dead: Ngaio Marsh
211 Pip: Ian Hay
212 Literary Lapses: Stephen Leacock
213 High Table: Joanna Cannon
214 Many cargoes: W. W. Jacobs
215 Store of Ladies: Louis Goling
216 The Verdict of You All: Henry Wade
217 Death at the Opera: Gladys Mitchell
218 Missing from his Home: Richard Keverne
219 Police at the Funeral: Margery Allingham
220 An Oxford Tragedy: J. C. Masterman
221 De Valera: Sean O'Faolain
222 Widdershins: Oliver Onions
223 Two Vagabonds in Serbia and Montenegro: J. & C. Gordon
224 The Camberwell Miracle: J.D. Beresford
225 Ebony and Ivory: Llewelyn Powys
226 Across Lapland: Olive Murray Chapman
227 The Fleet Hall Inhyeritance: Richard Keverne
228 The Devil at Saxon Wall: Gladys Mitchell
229 The Gun: C. S. Forester
230 Twelve Against the Gods: William Bolitho
231 All Passion Spent: V. Sackville-West
232 National Velvet: Enid Bagnold
233 Those Greenland Days: Martin Lindsay
234 A Book of Lear: Edward Lear
235 The Passionate Year: James Hilton
236 The Southseaman: Weston Martyr
237 Go She Must: David Garnett
238 The Compleat Angler: Izaak Walton
239 Stealthy Terror: John Ferguson
240 The White Cockatoo: M.G. Eberhart
241 A Windjammer's Half Deck: 'Shalimar'
242 Hindoo Holiday: J.R. Ackerley
243 The Tavern Knight: rafael Sabatini
244 Crump Folk Going Home: Constance Holme
245 The Brontes Went to Woolworths: Rachel Ferguson
246 The Barber of Putney: J.B. Morton
247 Corduroy: Adrian Bell (reprint)
248 Triple Fugue: Osbert Sitwell
249 Death in Ecstasy: Ngaio Marsh
250 Poison in Jest: John Dickson Carr
251 The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists; Robert Tressall
252 Fate Cannot Harm Me: J.C. Masterman
253 Vintage Murder: Ngaio Marsh
254 Away From It All: Cedric Belfrage
255 Arctic Village: Robert Marshall
256 Hag's Nook: John Dickson Carr
257 It's a Battlefield: Graham Greene
258 Wild Oats: Eric Muspratt
259 Captain Albert Ball, V.C.: R.H. Kiernan
260 The First Penguin Problems Book: W.T. Williams & G. H. Savage
261 Marching on Tanga: Francis Brett Young
261 Marching on Tanga Also have the reprint cerise Marching on Tanga
262 Spanish Gold: George A. Birmingham
263 St. Martin's Summer: Rafael Sabatini
264 The Cherry Tree: Adrian Bell
265 Boule de Suif: Guy de Maupassant
266 The Dying Alderman: Henry Wade
267 Told by an Idiot: Rose Macaulay
268 Jurgen: James Branch Cabell
269 Canon in Residence: V. L. Whitechurch
270 Right Off the Map: C. E. Montague
271 English Miss: R. H. Mottram
272 The Wanderer on One Thousand Hills: Edith Wherry
273 Further Experiences of an Irish R. M. : E.E. Somerville and Martin Ross
274 Importance of Being Earnest: Oscar Wilde
275 The Sea Captain: H.C. Bailey
276 The Case of the Late Pig: Margery Allingham
277 Fragments from My Diary: Maxim Gorki
278 Silver Ley: Adrian Bell
279 Uncle Silas: J. Sheridan Le Fanu x 2
280 Crossword Puzzle Book: Morley Adams
281 Within Four Walls: M.C. Harrison & H.A. Cartwright
282 The Silence of colonel Bramble: Andre Maurois
283 The First Hundred Thousand: Ian Hay
284 At the Blue Gates: Richard Keverne
285 The Public School Murder; R. C. Woodthorpe
286 Tunnellers of Holzminden: H.G. Durnford
287 Cage Birds: H.E. Hervey
288 Lawrence of Arabia: Zionism and Palestine; Sir Ronald Storrs
289 I Found No Peace; Webb Miller
290 Russian Road to India by Kabul and Samarkand: rosita Forbes
291 The Quest for Corvo: A.J.A. Symons
292 Three Plays of Tchehov: Translated S. S. Koteliansky
293 Nightingale Wood: Stella gibbons
294 Siamese White: Maurice Collis
295 The Times Crossword Puzzle Book
296 The Natural History of Selborne: Gilbert White
297 Down & Out in Paris and London: George Orwell
298 Ju-Ju and the Justice in Nigeria: Frank Hives & Cascoine Lumley
299 The Life of Mary Kingsley: Stephen Gwynn
300 -Pygmalion: Bernard Shaw
301 The Three Hunting Horns: Mary Fitt reprint
302 Murder in Hospital: Josephine Bell
303 The Eyes of Max Carados: Ernest Bramah
304 Half-Mast Murder: Milward Kennedy
305 Penguin New Writing (1)
306 Welsh Short Stories: Ed. Gwynn Jones
307 Old Junk: H. M. Tomlinson
308 Night Watches: W. W. Jacobs
309 Eastern Flights: Alan Bott
310 My Journey to Lhasa: A. david-Neel
311 Howards End: E.M. Forster
312 Untouchable: Mulk Raj Anand
313 Top Storey Murder: Anthony Berkeley
314 Along This Way: James Weldon Johnson
315 The Land of the Blue Poppy: F. Kingdon Ward
316 Modern American Short Stories: Sel. Alan Steele & Joan Hancock
317 Fall Over Cliff: Josephine Bell
318 I, Claudius I: Robert Graves
319 I Claudius II: Robert Graves
320 Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town: Stephen Leacock
321 Mr. Norris Changes Trains: Christopher Isherwood Reprint
322 The Three Friends: Norman Collins
323 I Will Maintain: Marjorie Bowen
324 False Spring: Beatrice Kean Seymour
325 Men in Chains: Marcus Clarke
326 Cactus: Ethel Mannin
327 Full House: M. J. Farrell
328 Reprint Invitation to the Waltz: Rosamund Lehmann
329 Walls of Jasper: Joanna Cannan
330 The Penguin Herodotus: Ed. A.J. Evans
331 When William Came: "Saki" - H. H. Munro
332 Bridge of San Luis Rey: Thornton Wilder
333 Russian Short Stories: Sel. S. S. Koteliansky
334 Sir Walter Raleigh: Eric Ecclestone
335 Kipps: H. G. Wells
336 Fishmonger's Fiddle: A. E. Coppard
337 Jumping Jenny: Anthony Berkeley
338 Famous Trials I: Ed. Harry Hodge
339 High Rising: Angela Thirkell
340 Orphan Island: Rose Macaulay
341 Beyond the Headlines
342 Reprint Farewell Victoria: T. H. White
343 The War in the Air: H. G. Well
344 Oil, Paint and Grease Paint (1): Laura Knight
345 Oil, Paint & Grease Paint (2): Laura Knight
346 Oil Paint & Grease Paint (3): Laura Knight
347 Trade Winds: Louis Kornitzer
348 Biggles Flies Again; W. E. Johns
349 The Second Penguin Crossword Book: Morley Adams
350 Silk: Samuel Merwin
351 He Laughed At Murder: Richard Keverne
352 Modern One-Act Plays: Ed. John Ferguson
353 reprint Artists in Crime: Ngaio Marsh
354 Murder of My Patient: M. G. Eberhart
355 The Nursing Home Murder: N. Marsh & Dr. Jellett (reprint)
356 The Loom of Youth: Alec Wauth
357 Green Pastures: Marc Connelly
358 The Daily Telegraph Crossword Puzzle Book
359 The British Infantryman: Ian Hay
360 An Air Fighter's Scrapbook: Ira Jones
361 The Green Mirror: Hugh Walpole
362 Time Will Knit: Fred Urquhart
363 Dialogue With Death: Arthur Koestler
364 For Amazement Only: Walter Shepherd
365 The Red Badge of Courage: Stephen Crane
366 Ballygullion: Lynn Doyle
367 The Times Second Crossword Puzzle Book
368 The Silk Stocking Murders: Anthony Berkeley
369 A Naturalist Goes to War: Philip Gosse
370 A Life of Shakespeare: Hesketh Pearson
371 Dewer Rides: L.A.G. Strong
372 The Last September: Elizabeth Bowen
373 The Brassbounder: David Bone
374 English Captain: Tom Wintringham
375 The Life of Nelson: Capt. A. T. Mahan
376 Profiles
377 reprint A Bullet in the Ballet: Caryl Brahms and S. J. Simon
378 Death in the Stocks: Georgette Heyer
379 Reprint Death of a Ghost: Margery Allingham
380 Thirteen Stories: R. B. Cunninghame Graham
381 Orlando: Virginia Woolf
382 Meet Yourself As You Really Are: Prionce L. Lowenstein & W. Gerhardi
383 The General Goes Too Far: Lewis Robinson
384 William Cook- antique Dealer: Richard Keverne
385 The Country House: John Galsworthy
386 On the Night of the Fire: F.L. Green
387 Whistler: James Laver
388 Quinneys: H. A. Vachell
389 Scottish Short Stories: Ed. Theodora & J. F. Hendry
390 Russian Fables: Ivan Krylov
391 Futility: William Gerhardi
392 England Made Me: Graham Greene
393 Selected Tales: Algernon Blackwood
394 He Who Came: Constance Holme
395 The Old Stag: Henry Williamson
396 The Penguin Herodotus (2) : Ed. A J. Evans
397 The Bamboo Blonde; Dorothy B. Hughes (reprint)
398 Friends and Relations: Elizabeth Bowen
399 Rookery Nook: Ben Travers
400 Portrait of England: Christian Mawson
401 Country Life: H. E. Bates
402 Panic Party: Anthony Berkeley
403 Scandinavian Short Stories: Ed. Estrid Bannister
404 Book of Talbot: Violet Clifton
405 Passenger to Teheran: V. Sackville-West
406 The Patrician: John Galsworthy
407 reprint Cut-Throat: Christopher Bush
408 The Old Road from Spain; Constance Holm
409 The Second Shot: Anthony Berkeley
410 Artifex Intervenes: Richard Keverne
411 The Islandman: Tomas O Crohan
412 The Ballads of Barnacle Bill: F. W. Thomas
413 Love in our Time: Norman Collins
414 Steamboatmen: C. U. Cutcliffe Hyne
415 Modern Irish Short Stories: Sel. Joan Hancock & Alan Steele 2nd Impression
416 The Lady of the Barge: W. W. Jacobs
417 South Latitude: F. D. Ommanney
418 reprint Murder by burial: Stanley Casson
419 Here Lies: Dorothy Parker
420 Dark Forest: Hugh Walpole
421 Claudius the God I: Robert Graves
422 Claudius the God II: Robert Graves
423 Put Out More Flags: Evelyn Waugh
424 Sporting Adventure: J. Wentworth Day
425 Northanger Abbey: Jane Austen
426 Sea Escapes and Adventures: Taffrail
427 Persuasion: Jane Austen
428 Unfinished Clue: Georgette Heyer
429 Why Shoot a Butler: Georgette Heyer
430 The Mutiny of the Elsinore: Jack London
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432 The Dark Flower: John Galsworthy
433 Speedy Death: Gladys Mitchell
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435 The Manchester Guardian Crossword Puzzle Book
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442 reprint Brighton Rock: Graham Greene
443 She Was a Queen: Maurice Collis
444 The times Fourth Leaders
445 The Secret City: Hugh Walpole
446 Dr. Darwin; Hesketh Pearson
447 Twixt Land and Sea Tales: Joseph Conrad
448 A Game Warden Among His Charges: C. R. S. Pitman
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450 Death in a White Tie+
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452 Phantom Lobster: Leo Walmsley
453 The Aerodrome: Rex Warner (reprint)
454 Three Fevers: Leo Walmsley (reprint)
455 Scoop: Evelyn Waugh (reprint)
456 Burmese Days: George Orwell
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458 The Cruise of the Cachalot: Frank T. Bullen- reprint
459 reprint Flowers for the Judge: Margery Allingham
460 The Third Penguin Crossword Puzzle book: Morley Adams
461 The Iron Heel: Jack London
462 Son to Susanna: G. Elsie Harrison
463 Tales of Hearsay: Joseph Conrad
464 Death on the Borough: Josephine Bell
465 Sea and Sardinia: D. H. Lawrence
466 Tanker Derbent: Yuri Krimov
467 The Russiam Campaigns 1941- 1943: W.E.D. Allen & P. Muratoff
468 reprint The Moon and Sixpence: Somerset Maugham
469 The Hangman's Guest: Stuart Martin
470 Never Come Back: John Mair
471 Richard Yea-and-Nay: Maurice Hewlett
472 Reprint Appointment in Samarra; John O'Hara
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476 Profiles (2)
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620 The Daily Telegraph Second Crossword Book
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643 The Manchester Guardian Second Crossword Puzzle Book
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774 The Times Fourth Crossword Puzzle Book
775 The Daily Telegraph Third Crossword Puzzle Book
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787 Famous Trials 3: Ed James H Hodge
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810 The Manchester Guardian Third Crossword Puzzle Book
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813 Death in Five Boxes; Carter Dickson
814 And So To Murder: Carter Dickson
815 The Red Widow Murders: Carter Dickson
816 She Died a Lady: Carter Dickson
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819 The Judas Window: Carter Dickson (reprint)
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821 Brideshead Revisited: Evelyn Waugh
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823 The Loved One; Evelyn Waugh
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827 Maigret Sits iut Out: Georges Simenon
828 In Two Latitudes: Georges Simenon
829 Havoc by Accident: Georges Simenon
830 Escape in Vain: Georges Simenon
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889 The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde: Erle Stanley Gardner
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893 The Observer SEcond Crossword Puzzle Book
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896 Between the Acts: Virginia Woolf
897 Tragedy at Law: Cyril Hare
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899 Sanctuary: William Faulkner (first 16 pgs missing)
900 Seven Famous One Act Plays: Second SEries: Ed. John Ferguson
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906 Tender is the Night: F. Scott Fitzgerald
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909 Journey nito Spring: Winston Clewes
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911 The Case of the Substitude Face: Erle Stanley Gardner
912 The Case of the Lame Canary: Erle Stanley Gardner
913 Out of Africa; Karen Blixen
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915 Trent Intervenes: E.C. Bentley
916 Death of a Trainp; Freeman Wills Crofts
917 The Cheyne Mystery: Freeman Wills Crofts
918 Inspector French's Greatest Case: Freeman Wills Crofts
919 The Loss of the Jane vosper: Freeman Wills Crofts
920 The 12:30 from Croydon: Freeman Wills Crofts
921 An Avenue of Stone: Pamela Hansford Johnson
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926 Death comes as the End: AGatha Christie
927 Death on the Nile: Agatha Christie (reprint)
928 The Labours of Hercules; Agatha Christie
929 Miss Marple and the Thirteen Problems: AGatha Christie
930 The Moving finger: Agatha Christie
931 reprint The Mysterious Mr Quin: Agatha Christie
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933 The Inimitable Jeeves; PG Wodehouse
934 Right Ho, Jeeves: PG Wodehouse
935 Code of the Woosters: PG Wodehouse
936 Leave it to PSmith PG Wodehouse
937 Big Money: PG Wodehouse
938 The Nighwalkers: James Norman
939 The Case of the Stuttering Bishop: Erle Stanley Gardner
940 The Spectator Crossword PUzzle Book
941 Three Sisters Flew Home: Mary Fitt
942 Greeks and Trojans: Rex Warner
943 The Yellow room: Mary Roberts Rinehart
944 Comes the Blind Fury: Douglas Rutherford
945 The Daily Telegraph Fourth Crossword Puzzle Book
946 Jassy: Norah Lofts
947 reprint The Case of the Constant Suicides: J. Dickson Carr
948 reprint He Who Whispers: J. Dickson Carr
949 The Emperors Snuff Box: J. Dickson Carr
950 Till Death Do Us Part: J. Dickson Carr
951 The Manchester Guardian Fourth Crossword Puzzle Book
952 The Case of the counterfeit Eye: Erle Stanley Gardner
953 Murder of My Aunt: Richard Hull
954 Tom Brown's Body: Gladys Mitchell
955 Edmund Campion: Evelyn Waugh (reprint)
956 Four English Tragedies: Ed. JM Morrell
957 Selected ESsays and POems: Oscar Wilde
958 Loving: Henry Green
959 Six Curtains for Stroganova: Caryl Brahms & SJ Simon
960 Jane Eyre: Charlotte Bronte
961 The Healing Knife: George Sava
962 Lucinda Brayford: Martin Boyd
963 Trio: Dorothy Baker
964 The Case of the Borrowed Brunette: Erle Stanley Gardner
965 reprint The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito: Erle Stanley Gardner
966 The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece: Erle STanley Gardner
967 The DA Calls A Turn: Erle Stanley Gardner
968 reprint Murder Up My Sleevve: Erle Stanley Gardner
969 One Pair of Feet: Monica Dickens
970 As I Was Going down Sackville Street: Oliver St John gogarty
971 Uncle Fred in the Springtime: PG Wodehouse
972 Nineteen Eighty Four: George Orwell
973 The Case of the Abominable Snowman: Nicholas Blake
974 Love Lies Bleeding: Edmund Crispin
975 The floating dutchman: Nicolas Bentley
976 Red Threads: Rex Stout
977 Death of a Doll: Hilda Lawrence
978 The Time and Tide Crossword book
979 Maiden Voyage: Denton Welch
980 The Heyday in the Blood: Geraint Goodwin
981 Can You Tell Me? N and M Dixon
982 Byron: The Years of Fame: Peter Quennell
983 Famous Trials (4) : Ed. James H. Hodge
984 Love in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford
985 Blandings Castle: PG Wodehouse
986 The Luck of teh Bodkins: PG Wodehouse
987 A Hudnred Crossword Puzzles from the Scotsman
988 The Case of the Gilded Fly: Edmund Crispin
989 The Immaterial Murder Case: Julian Symons
990 The Daughter of Time: Josephine Tey
991 Blood Upon the Snow: Hilda Lawrence
992 Keep it Quiet: Richard Hull
993 The Day of the Triffids: John Wyndham
994 Quick Service: PG Wodehouse
995 Summer Lightning: PG Wodehouse
996 Riceyman Steps: Arnold Bennett
997 Clayhanger: Arnold Bennett
998 The Old Wives Tale: Arnold Bennett
999 The Journal of Arnold Bennett: Ed. Frank Swinnerton
1000 One of Our Submarines: Edward Young
1001 The Thousand and One Nights: Trans. N.J. Dawood
1002 The Long Escape: David Dodge
1003 Come Away, Death: Gladys Mitchell
1004 A Summer to Decide: Pamela Hansford Johnson
1005 The Tongue-Tied Canary: Nicolas Bentley
1006 The Man With My Face; Samuel Taylor
1007 With a Bare Bodkin: Cyril Hare
1008 Red is for Killing: George Bagby
1009 Aphrodite Means Death: John Appleby
1010 Seven Men: Max Beerbohm
1011 The Story of Ragged Robin: Oliver Onions
1012 Sybil: Benjamin Disraeli
1013 Joseph Andrews: Henry Fielding
1014 The Hucksters: Frederic Wakeman
1015 Desert and Forest: L. M. Nesbitt
1016 Mc Sorley's Wonderful Saloon: Joseph Mitchell
1017 A View of the Harbour: Elizabeth Taylor
1018 The Arabian Bird: Constantine Fitz Gibbon
1019 Ma Wei Slope; Keith West
1020 Cheri and the Last of Cheri: Colette
1021 Lord Arthur Savile's Crime: Oscar Wilde
1022 Plunder of the Sun: David Dodge
1023 Sir John Magill's Last Journey: Freeman Wills Croft
1024 Wife to Mr. Milton: Robert Graves
1025 Count Belisarius: Robert Graves
1026 The Greek Myths- 1: Robert Graves
1027 The Greek Myths- 2: Robert Graves
1028 Cork on the Water: Macdonald Hastings
1029 The New Statesman Crossword Puzzle Book
1030 Nest of Vipers: Tod Claymore
1031 Collected Short Stories: E.M. Forster
1032 Death AMong the Sunbathers: E.R. Punshon
1033 Herself Surprised: Joyce Cary
1034 The Jacaranda Tree: H.E. Bates
1035 London Particular: Christianna Brand
1036 Man-Eaters of Kumaon: Jim Corbett
1037 When the Wind Blows: Cyril Hare
1038 Holy Deadlock: A.P. Herbert
1039 The Headmistress: Angela thirkell
1040 The D.A. Calls it Murder: Erle Stanley Gardner
1041 Great Expectations; Charles Dickens
1042 Saint Joan of Arc: V. Sackville-West
1043 Swan Song: Edmund Crispin
1044 Memoirs of a Midget: Walter de la Mare
1045 The Missing Link: Katharine Farrer
1046 The Observer Third Crossword Book
1047 Point Counter Point: Aldous Huxley
1048 Beyond the Mexique bay: Aldous Huxley
1049 After Many a Summer: Aldous Huxley
1050 Eyeless in gaza; Aldous Huxley
1051 Mortal Coils: Aldous Huxley
1052 Brave New World: Aldous Huxley (Reprint)
1053 To Catch A Thief: David Dodge
1054 The Case of the Rolling Bones: Erle Stanley Gardner
1055 The Rod of Anger: Derrick Nabarro
1056 The Affairs of Flavie: Gabriel Chevallier
1057 Byron in Italy: Peter quennell
1058 The Unvanquished: William Faulkner
1059 A Room With A View: E.M. forster
1060 Death is no Sportsman: Cyril hare
1061 Appointment in New Orleans: Tod Claymore
1062 Puzzle for Fiends: Patrick Quentin
1063 The Port of London Murders; Josephine Bell
1064 That Yew Tree's Shade: Cyril hare
1065 To Have and Have Not: Ernest Hemingway
1066 For Whom the Bell Tolls: Ernest Hemingway (reprint)
1067 Men Without Women: Ernest Hemingway
1068 Essays and Poems: G.K. Chesterton
1069 The Incredulity of Father Brown: G.K. Chesteron
1070 Gilbert Keith Chesteron: Maisie Ward
1071 The Hubert Phillips Crossword Book
1072 The Moonstone: Wilkie Collins
1073 Don Among the Dead Men: C.E. Vulliamy
1074 The Case of the Caretaker's Cat: Erle Stanley Gardner
1075 The Kraken Wakes: John Wyndham reprint
1076 Nightrunners of Bengal: John Masters reprint
1077 Murdering Mr. Velfrage; Roy Vickers
1078 Shear the Black Sheep; David Dodge
1079 The Bombard Story: Alain Bombard
1080 Fer-de-Lance: Rex Stout
1081 Tenant for Death; Cyril Hare
1082 Death in Venice: Thomas Mann
1083 Reputation for a Song; Edward Grierson
1084 Information Received: E.R. Punshon
1085 The Deceivers: John Masters
1086 Hemlock and After: Angus Wilson
1087 Reunion in Florida: Tod Claymore
1088 The Follower: Patrick Quentin
1089 The Masters: C.P. Snow
1090 Department of dead ends: Roy Vickers
1091 A Year of Grace: Sel. Victor Gollancz
1092 Bernard Spilsbury: His Life and Cases: Douglas G. Browne & E.V. Tullett
1093 Colonel Julian: H.E. Bates
1094 Famous Trials-5: Ed. James H. Hodge
1095 A Fearful Joy: Joyce Cary
1096 The Little Sister: Raymond Chandler
1097 Murder Every Monday: Pamela Branch
1098 The Daily Telegraph Fifth Crossword Puzzle Book
1099 Murder in Mesopotamia; Agatha Christie
1100 reprint A Surfeit of Lampreys: Ngaio Marsh
1101 A Question of Proof: Nicholas Blake
1102 Speak No Evil: M.G. Eberhart
1103 The Cretin Counterfeit: Katharine Farrer
1104 The Wheel Spins: Ethel Lina White
1105 The Black Stage: Anthony Gilbert
1106 Over My Dead Body: Rex Stout
1107 X v. Rex: Phillip MacDonald
1108 Murder in Time: Elizabeth Ferrars
1109 Selected Tales: Edgar Allan Poe
1110 Florence Nightingale: Cecil Woodham-Smith
1111 Payment Deferred: C.S. Forester
1112 The African Queen: C.S. Forester
1113 Flying Colours: C.S. Forester
1114 A Ship of the Line; C.S. Forester
1115 Mr Midshipman Hornblower: C.S. Forester
1116 The Commodore: C.S. Forester
1117 The General: C.S. Forester
1118 Brown on Resolution: C.S. Forester
1119 Death to the French: C.S. Forester
1120 Elephant Bill: J.H. Williams
1121 Cruel Sea: N. Monsarrat
1122 Faintley Speaking: Gladys Mitchell
1123 reprint An English Murder: Cyril Hare
1124 The Voice of the Corpse: Max Murray
1125 The Guardian Fifth Crossword Puzzle Book
1126 Post Mortem: Guy Cullingford
1127 The Lights of Skaro: David Dodge
1128 Diamonds for Moscow: David Walker
1129 Murder on Safari: Elspeth Huxley
1130 The Thirty-nine Steps: John Buchan
1131 Island of Sheep: John Buchan
1132 Greenmantle: John Buchan
1133 Huntingtower: John Buchan
1134 Mr. Standfast: John Buchan
1135 John Macnab: John Buchan
1136 Castle Gay: John Buchan
1137 House of the Four Winds: John Buchan
1138 Prester John: John Buchan
1139 The Case of the Half-Wakened Wife: Erle Stanley Gardner
1140 The Short Weekend: T.S. Strachan
1141 The Pajama Game: Richard Bissell
1142 One's Company: Peter Fleming
1143 Juan in America: Eric Linklater
1144 Dubliners: James Joyce
1145 War in Val D' Orcia: Iris Origo
1146 Racundra's First Cruise: ARthur Ransome
1147 The American Gun Mystery: Ellery queen
1148 The French Powder Mystery: Ellery Queen
1149 The Roman Hat Mystery: Ellery Queen
1150 The Chinese Orange Mystery: Ellery Queen
1151 The Dutch Shoe Mystery: Ellery Queen
1152 The Purple Plain: H.E. Bates
1153 The Red Danube: Bruce Marshall
1154 Treasure of Sierra Madre: B. Traven
1155 Essential T.E. Lawrence No. 1015 is on the spine of this book, correct no inside
1156 The Harsh Voice: Rebecca West
1157 Passages from Arabia Destrata: C.M. Doughty
1158 The Fourth Penguin Crossword Puzzle Book
1159 End of the Line: Stanley Wade Baron
1160 reprint The Egg and I: Betty MacDonald
1161 The Sunshine Corpse: Max Murray
1162 Suicide Excepted: Cyril Hare
1163 Not Wanted on Voyage: Nancy Spain
1164 Below Suspicion: John Dickson Carr
1165 Love for Lydia: H.E. Bates
1166 The Lotus and the Wind: John Masters
1167 My Name is Michael Sibley: John Bingham
1168 Joy and Josephine: Monica Dickens
1169 The Apple Cart: Bernard Shaw
1170 Pigs Have Wings: P.G. Wodehouse
1171 reprint The Mating Season: P.G. Wodehouse
1172 Laughing Gas: P.G. Wodehouse
1173 Very Good Jeevs: P.G. Wodehouse
1174 Carry On, Jeeves: P.G. Wodehouse
1175 The Red Box: Rex Stout
1176 Cork in bottle: MacDonald Hastings
1177 The King and the corpse: Max Murray
1178 The Doctor and the Corpse: Max Murray
1179 Guys and Dolls: Damon Runyon
1180 Barchester Towers: Anthony Trollope
1181 Madame de Pompadour: Nancy Mitford (very poor cond.)
1182 Telling of Murder: D. rutherford
1183 The Man Who Never Was: E. Montague
1184 Brazilian Adventure: P. Fleming
1185 Selected Essays: George Orwell
1186 Return to Paradise: James Michener
1187 The Great Escape: Paul Brickhill
1188 Against the Law: Peter Wildeblood
1189 The Song of the Whip: Evan Evans
1190 Montana Rides! Evan EVans
1191 Selected Short Stories: Sir Arthur Quill-Couch
1192 Bonjour Tristesse: Francoise Sagan
1193 Son of Oscar Wilde: Vyvyan Holland
1194 Watson's Choice: Gladys Mitchell
1195 Murder is Easy: Agatha Christie
1196 rrint The Big Four: AGatha Christie
1197 Spanish Raggle Taggle: Walter Sparkie
1198 The Greek Coffin Mystery: Ellery Queen
1199 Conjurer's Coffin: Guy Cullingford
1200 The Girl on th eVia Flamina: Alfred Hayes
1201 To Be A Pilgrim: Joyce Cary
1202 The Fair Bride: B. Marshall
1203 The Right Honmourable Corpse: Max Murray
1204 The Case of the Silent Partner: Erle Stanley Gardner
1205 Tour de Force: C. Blanc
1206 The Daily Telegraph Sixth Crossword Puzzle Book
1207 Take these Men: Cyril Joly
1208 Hangover Square: Patrick Hamilton
1209 The Manchester Guardian Sixth Crossword Puzzle
1210 The Bad Seed: William Marsh
1211 The Blessing: Nancy Mitford
1212 Scotland Yard: Sir Harold Scott
1213 Three Men in a Boat: Jerome K. Jerome
1214 Buddenbrooks: Thomas Mann
1215 The Prevalence of Witches: Aubrey Menen
1216 The Tiger inthe Smoke: Margery Alingham
1217 The Penguin Peter Arno: Peter Arno
1218 The Night Life of the Gods: Thorne Smith
1219 Topper Takes a Trip: Thorne Smith
1220 Whisky Galore: Compton MacKenzie
1221 reprint Maigret in Montmatre: Georges Simenon
1222 Maigret's Mistake: Georges Simenon
1223 The Murderer: Georges Simenon
1224 Poisoned Relations: Georges Simenon
1225 To Any Lengths: Georges Simenon
1226 Flames in the Sky: P. Clostermann
1227 Chance Aquaintances: Colette
1228 The Overloaded Ark: Gerald Durrell
1229 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: Tennessee Williams
1230 The Alleys of Marakesh: Peter Mayne
1231 The Case of the Haunted Husband: Erle Stanley Gardner
1232 Exit Charlie: Alex Atkinson
1233 Baby Doll: Tennesee Williams
1234 If It Die: Andre Gide
1235 The Castle: Franz Kafka
1236 The big Heat: William P. McGovern
1237 The Mask of Glass: Holly Roth
1238 Venture to the Interior : Laurens Van der Post
1239 The DA Holds a Candle : Erle Stanley Gardner
1240 reprint The Philanderer: STanley Kauffman
1241 Circular Staircase: Mary Roberts Rinehart
1242 The Devil in Velvet: John Dickson Carr
1243 Selected Stories: H.E. Bates
1244 Swann's Way: Marcel Proust
1245 Private Angelo: Eric Linklater
1246 The Case of the Drowning duck: Erle Stanley Gardner
1247 The Case of the Baited Hook: Erle Stanley Gardner
1248 Catcher in the rye: J.D. Salinger
1249 Pictures from an Institution: Randall Jarrell
1250 Tibetan Marches: Andre Migot
1251 Alias Basil Willing: H.McCloy
1252 Mischief: Charlotte Armstrong
1253 Four Modern Verse Plays
1254 Under Western Eyes: Joseph Conrad
1255 Selected Short Stories: William Sansom
1256 reprint Ten Little Niggers: Agatha Christie
1257 The World my Wilderness: Rose Macaulay
1258 Drinkers of Darkness: Gerald Hanley
1259 The White South: Hammond Innes
1260 The Small Back Room: Nigel Balchin
1261 Final Curtain: Ngaio Marsh
1262 The Echoing Grove: Rosamond Lehmann
1263 The Fortress: Raleigh Trevelyan
1264 Robert Browning: A Portrait: B. Miller
1265 My Uncle Silas: H.E. Bates
1266 The Bafut Beagles: Gerald Durrell
1267 Big Range: Jack Schaefer
1268 Juan in China: Eric Linklater
1269 Double, Double: Ellery Queen
1270 The Spanish Cape Mystery: Ellery Queen
1271 Happy Prisoner: Monica Dickens (reprint)
1272 reprint The Man Upstairs: P.G. Wodehouse
1273 Uneasy Money: P.G. Wodehouse (reprint)
1274 reprint Cry, The Beloved Country: Alan Paton
1275 Clochemerle- Babylon: Gabriel Chevallier
1276 Robber's Roost: Zane Grey
1277 Tappan's Burro: Zane Grey
1278 The Reason Why: C. Woodham Smith
1278 reprint The Reason Why: C. Woodham Smith
1279 Fair Stood the Wind for France: H.E. Bates
1280 The Hature of Love: H.E. Bates
1281 Scarlet Sword: H.E. Bates
1282 Key Above the Door: Maurice Walsh
1283 The Small Dark Man: Maurice Walsh
1284 Big Snow: P. Clostermann
1285 Caine Mutiny: H. Wouk
1286 Death at the President's Lodgings: Michael I nnes
1287 Private view: Michael Innes
1288 Going to the Wars: Zionism and Palestine: J. Verney
1289 Three European Plays (Ring Around the Moon by Jean Anouilh; The Queen and the Rebels by
Ugo Betti; In Camera by Jean-Paul Sartre)
1290 Man of theWest: Philip Yordan
1291 Frequent Hearses: Edmund Crispin
1292 Buried for Pleasure: Edmund Crispin
1293 The Case of the Buried Clock: Erle Stanley Gardner
1294 reprint The Case of the Crooked Candle: Erle Stanley Gardner
1295 reprint The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe: Erle Stanley Gardner
1296 Four of Hearts: Ellery Queen
1297 The Door Between: Ellery Queen
1298 Secret Vanguard: Michael Innes
1299 Stop Press: Michael Innes
1300 The Death of Grass: John Christopher
1301 Dior by Dior: C. Dior
1302 Honeyed Peace:M. Gelhorn
1303 Holy Disorders: Edmund Crispin
1304 The Long Divorce: Edmund Crispin
1305 Coromandel: John Masters
1306 reprint The Go-Between: L.P. Harley
1307 Pioneers: Jack Schaefer
1308 Reprint: The Chrysalids: John Wyndham
1309 There Came Both Mist and Snow: Michael Innes
1310 Selected Short Stories: H.G. Wells
1311 Anglo-Saxon Attitudes: Angus Wilson
1312 Ledger is Kept: R. Postgate
1313 Gigi & the Cat: Colette
1314 Reprint The Drunken Forest: Gerald Durrell
1314 Reprint x 2 (reprints both have diff covers)
1315 The Moving Toyshop: Edmund Crispin
1316 The Silent World: J. Y. Cousteau
1317 House and its Head: Compton Burnett
1318 The Proving Flight: David Beaty
1319 The Last Grain Race: Eric Newby
1320 Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man: Thomas Mann
1321 Alibi Innings: Barbara Worsley-Gough
1322 Thurber's Dogs: James Thurber
1323 The Content Assignment: Holly Roth
1324 Murder Included: Joanna Cannan
1325 Selected Essays: Hilaire Belloc
1326 Path to rome: Hilaire Belloc
1327 Cruise of the "Nona": Hilaire Belloc
1328 Honey Seige: Gil Buhet
1329 2000 Fathoms Down: Georges Houot & Pierre Willm
1330 Thirteen White tulips: Frances Crane
1331 Mrs. Parkinson: Louis Bromfield
1332 Rains Cmae: Louis Bromfield
1333 Twenty-four Hours: Louis Bromfield
1334 The Speaking Eye: Clark Smith
1335 Don't Go Near The Water: William Brinkley
1336 Many Splendoured Thing: Han Suyin
1337 Aspects of Love: David Garnett
1338 The Flying Inn: G.K. Chesterton
1339 The Frenchman and the Lady: Elizabeth Cadell
1340 Death Takes SMall Bites: George Johnston
1341 Cork and the Serpent: MacDonald Hastings
1342 Kathleen Ferrier: W. Ferrier
1343 The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne: Brian Moore
1344 reprint Where Angels Fear to Tread: E.M. Forster
1345 The Monkey's Paw & Other Stories: W.W. Jacobs
1346 Framed for Hanging: g. Cullingford
1347 More Ghost Stories: M.R. James
1348 Noblesse Oblige: Edited by Nancy Mitford
1349 Reprint Selected Cautionary Verses: Hilaire Belloc
1350 The Boyfriend: Sandy Wilson
1351 The Doors of Perception: Aldous Huxley (reprint)
1352 Daffodil Sky: H.E. Bates
1353 Sleeper: Holly Roth
1354 Wooden Overcoat: P. Branch
1355 Wrong Set: Angus Wilson
1356 The New Men: C.P. Snow
1356 The New Men: C.P. Snow
1357 reprint Roman Tales: Alberto Moravia
1358 Memoirs of Hadrian: Marguerite Yourcenar
1359 Ripening Seed: Colette
1360 The Wilder shores of Love: Lesley Blanche
1361 Reprint Room at the Top: John Braine
1362 Maigret and the Burglar's Wife: Georges Simenon (reprint)
1363 Maigret's Revolver: Georges Simenon
1364 My Fair Lady: Alan Jay Lerner
1365 Hunting the Fairies: Compton MacKenzie
1366 The Monarch of the Glen: Compton MacKenzie
1367 The Rival Monster: Compton MacKenzie
1368 Water on the Brain: Compton MacKenzie
1369 Thin Ice: Compton MacKenzie
1370 Doctor Sally: P.G. Wodehouse
1371 The Little Nuggett: P.G. Wodehouse
1372 The DA Breaks a Seal: ERle Stanley Gardner
1373 Volcanoes Above Us: N. Lewis
1374 Take Two at Bedtime: Margery Allingham
1375 Reprint The Case of the Careless Kitten: Erle Stanley Gardner
1376 The Case of the Golddigger's Purse: Erle Stanley Gardner
1377 The Case of the Perjured Parrot: Erle Stanley Gardner
1378 Crime at Guildford Freeman Wills Croft
1379 Fatal Venture: Freeman Wills Croft
1380 Mystery in the Channel: Freeman Wills Croft
1381 Destination Chungking: Han Suyin
1382 Major Thompson Lives in France: Pierre Daninos
1383 Wing Leader: J. Johnson
1384 Docken Dead: John Trench
1385 The Seeds of Time: John Wyndham
1386 Hidden River: Storm Jameson
1387 The Annotated Alice: Lewis Carroll
1388 Knight with Armour: A. Duggan
1389 Magnus Merriman: Eric Linklater
1390 The Impregnable Women: Eric Linklater
1391 Patrick Butler for the Defence: John Dickson Carr
1392 Ransom of the Angel: David Dodge
1393 Our Hearts Were Young andGay: Cornelia Otis Skinner & Emily Kimbrough
1394 The Plague and I: Betty MacDonald
1395 Sea Mystery: Freeman Wills Croft
1396 Golden Ashes: Freeman: Wills Croft
1397 Therese: Francois Mauriac
1398 A Perfect Woman: L.P. Hartley
1399 My Family and Other Animals: Gerald Durrell
1400 The Long goodbye: Raymond Chandler
1401 Body: William Sansom
1402 The Watersplash: Patricia Wentworth
1403 Wife of Ronald Sheldon: Patrick Quentin
1404 Vatican Cellars: Andre Gide
1405 October Island: William March
1406 Grande Mademoiselle: F. Stegmuller
1407 Evil of the Day: T. Sterling
1408 Sole Survivor: R. Vickers
1409 My Memories of Six Reigns: Princess Marie Louise
1410 Nijinsky: Romola Nijinsky
1411 The Diaghilev Ballet 1909-1929: S. O. Grigoriev
1412 The Day of the Fox: Norman Lewis
1413 Darling clementine: Dorothy Eden
1414 How Can you Bear to be Human: Nicolas Bentley
1415 The Diehard: Jean Potts
1416 No Love Lost: Margery Allingham
1417 The Beckoning Lady: Margery Allingham
1418 The Daily Telegrah Seventh Crossword Puzzle Book
1419 My Friend Maigret: Simenon
1420 Five Roundabouts to Heaven: John Bingham
1421 Quatermass Experiment: Nigel Keane
1422 Is Sex Necessary: James Thurber
1423 The Good Earth: Pearl Buck
1424 1066 and All That: Sellar & Yeatman
1425 The Straight and Narrow Path: Honor Tracy
1426 The Water Gypsies: A.P. Herbert
1427 The Life of Oscar Wilde: Hesketh Pearson
1428 The Bishop's Jaegers: Thorne Smith
1429 Cage Me A Peacock: Noel Langley
1430 The Stars Grow Pale: Karl Bjarnhof
1431 In Search of England: H.V. Morton
1432 Intruder in the Dust: William Faulkner
1433 Light in August: William Faulkner
1434 Go Down Moses: William Faulkner
1435 Requiem for a Nun: William Faulkner
1436 Feast of July: H.E. Bates
1437 Dud Avocado: E. Dundy
1438 Voss: Patrick White
1439 Bhowani Junction: John Masters
1440 The Midwich Cuckoos: John Wyndham
1441 Faces of Spain: G. Brenan
1442 Hurry on Down: John Wain
1443 Goodbye to All That: Robert Graves
1444 A Certain Smile: Francoise Sagan
1445 Under the Net: Irish Murdoch (reprint)
1446 Five: Doris Lessing
1447 Angel in the Corner: Monica Dickens (reprint)
1448 Quatermass II: N. Kneal
1449 Quatermass and the Pitt: Nigel Kneale
1450 A Kiss Before Dying: Ira Levin
1451 The Three Taps: Ronald Knox
1452 The Battling Prophet: Arthur Upfield
1453 Joy Street: F.P. Keynes
1454 reprint Aku-aku: Thor Heyerdahl
1455 The Case of the Curious Bride: Erle Stanley Gardner
1456 reprint Hatter's Ghosts: Georges Simenon
1457 Came A Cavalier: F.P. Keynes
1458 The Case of the Howling Dog: Erle Stanley Gardner
1459 One: David Karp
1460 Two Adolescents: Albert Moravia
1461 Portuguese Escape: Ann Bridge
1462 Village School: Miss Read
1463 Little Boy Lost: Marghanita Laski
1464 By Love Possessed: J.G. Cozzens
1465 Major Thompson and I: P. Daninos
1466 The Black Cloud: Fred Hoyle
1467 Uncommon Danger: Eric Ambler
1468 Cards of Identity: N. Dennis
1469 reprint butterfield 8: John O'Hara
1470 The Longest Journey: E.M. Forster
1471 Lord of the Flies: William Golding (reprint)
1472 Plague: Albert Camus
1473 Habit of Loving: Doris Lessing
1474 The Sandcastle: Iris Murdoch
1475 Magic Mountain: Thomas Mann
1476 Hide My Eyes: Margery Allingham
1477 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: James Joyce
1478 Gathering Storm: William churchill
1479 reprint Anatomy of a Murder: Robert Traver
1480 The Trespasser: D.H. Lawrence
1481 Twilight in Italy: D.H. Lawrence
1482 England My England: D.H. Lawrence
1483 Three Novellas: The Fox, The Ladybird; The Captain's Doll by DH Lawrence (reprint)
1484 reprint Lady Chatterley's Lover: D.H. Lawrence
1485 Women in Love: D.H. Lawrence
1486 He Should Have Died Hereafter: Cyril Hare
1487 House of the Arrow: A.E. W. Mason
1488 Captain Cut Throat: John Dickson Carr
1489 The Crossing of Antarctica: Fuchs and Hillary
1490 Sinister Street: Compton MacKenzie
1491 Pnin: Vladimir Nabakov
1492 The fifthPenguin Crossword Puzzle Book
1493 Nabokov's Dozen: Vladimir Nabakov
1494 The Vagabond: Colette
1495 The Last Tycoon: F. Scott Fitzgerald
1496 The Roots of Heaven: Romain Gary
1497 The Immoralist: Andre Gide
1498 The Disenchanted: Budd Schulberg
1499 Love Me Little: Amanda Vail
1500 World in a Jug: Roland Gant
1501 The Law: Roger Vaillance
1502 The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot: Angus Wilson
1503 The Man of Two Tribes: Arthur Upfield
1504 Further Fables for our Time: James Thurber
1505 Voltaire in Love: Nancy Mitford
1506 Spotted Hemlock: Gladys Mitchell
1507 Dishonoured Bones: John Trench
1508 Such Darling Dodos: Angus Wilson
1509 The Case of theSecond Chance: Christopher Bruce
1510 Ronald Searle: Ronald Searle
1511 The King is Dead: Ellery Queen
1512 Love Among the Haystacks: E.H. Lawrence
1513 Mornings in Mexico: D. H. Lawrence
1514 Intelligent Heart: H.T. Moore
1515 Threepenny Novel: Bertolt Brecht
1516 The Green Mare: M. Ayme
1517 Niki: Story of a Dog: T. Dery
1518 The Outsider: Albert Camus
1519 Bitter Honeymoon: Alberto Moravio
1520 Young Torless: Robert Musil
1521 Age of Reason: Jean Paul Sarte
1522 Isaac Babel: Isaac Bable
1523 Man's Estate: A. Malreaux
1524 I'm Not Stiller: Max Frisch
1525 Grass is Singing: Doris Lessing
1526 Conscience of the Rich: C.P. Snow
1527 Scenes from a Provincial Life: W. Cooper
1528 From a View to a Death: Anthony Powell
1529 Unspeakable Skipton: Pamela Hansford Johnson
1530 The Sword of Pleasure: Peter Green
1531 Widow: F. King
1532 Pigeon Pie: Nancy Mitford
1533 Laurels Are Poison
1534 Three Bad Nights: Bruce Buckingham
1535 One Pair of Hands: Monica Dickens
1536 Lord Hornblower: C.S. Forester
1537 Ambassadress: F.P. Keynes
1538 There's a Porpoise Close Behind Us: N. Longley
1539 And the Rain my Drink: Han Suyin
1540 Anybody Can do Anything: Betty MacDonald
1541 Pavilions of Women: P.S. Buck
1542 In Love: Alfred Hayes
1543 Far, Far the Mountain Peak: John Masters
1544 reprint Outward Urge: John Wyndham
1545 The Rack: A.E. Ellis
1546 Memento Mori: Muriel Spark
1547 The Last Summer: Boris Pasternak
1548 Third Party Risk: Nicolas Bentley
1549 The League of Frightened Men: Rex Stout
1550 I, anastasia: Anastasia
1551 The Breaking of Bumbo: Andrew Sinclair
1552 Museum Pieces: W. Plomer
1553 Cork in the Doghouse: M. Hastings
1554 He Never Came Back: H. McCloy
1555 Case of Four Friends: J.C. Masterman
1556 The Generous Earth: Philip Oyler
1557 The Sunday Times Crossword Puzzle Book
1558 The Daily Telegraph Eighth Crossword Puzzle book
1559 The Return of Ansel Gibbs: Frederick Buechner
1560 Doctor in the House: Richard Gordon
1561 Doctor at Sea: Richard Gordon
1562 Doctor at Large: Richard Gordon
1563 Doctor in Love: Richard Gordon
1564 the Dead Man's Knock: John Dickson Carr
1565 The Ides of March: Thornton Wilder
1566 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: Carson McCullers
1567 Miss Lonelyhearts: Nathaniel West
1568 Earsdon Way: F. Raphael
1569 Cousin Harriet: Susan Tweedsmuir
1570 Valmouth: Ronald Firbank
1571 Evidence in Camera: Constance Babbington Smith
1572 Metamorphosis & Other Stories: Franz Kafka
1573 Enemies of Promise: Cyril Connolly
1574 the Journeying Boy: Michael Innes
1575 The Man from the Sea: Michael Innes
1576 Appleby Plays Chicken: Michael Innes
1577 Appleby on Ararat: Michael Innes
1578 The Weight of Evidence: Michael Innes
1579 The Man in the Net: Patrick Quentin
1580 The Spotted Deer: J. H. Williams
1581 Green for Danger: Christianna Brand
1582 Flight to Arras: Saint-Exupery
1583 Royal Bed for a Corpse: M. Murray
1584 Traveller's Prelude: F. Stark
1585 Invisible Flag: P. Bomm
1586 Mind You I've Said Nothing: H. Tracy
1587 Mizmaze: Mary Fitt
1588 12 Horses & the Hangman's Noose: Gladys Mitchell
1589 Murder on My Street: Edwin Lanham
1590 A Love Affair in Rome: Ercole Patti
1591 Say, Darling: R. Bissell
1592 Nurse is a Neighbour: J. Jones
1593 Prep School: J. Kenward
1594 Maigret's First Case: Georges Simenon
1595 Death of a Stray Cat: J. Potts
1596 Gazebo: P. Wentworth
1597 See You at the Morgue: Lawrence G. Blochman
1598 Siamese Twins Mystery: Ellery Queen
1599 Damsel in Distress: P.G. Wodehouse
1600 Performing Fleas: P.G. Wodehouse
1601 Man With Two Left Feet: P.G. Wodehouse
1602 Darling Buds of May: H.E. Bates
1603 Two Women: Aalberto Moravia
1604 Cassandra at the Wedding: Dorothy Baker
1605 The Deadly Reaper: Clark Smith
1606 Thurber Album: James Thurber
1607 Breakfast at Tiffanys: Truman Capote reprint
1608 Playback: Raymond Chandler
1609 Or be he Dead: James Byrom
1610 The Doors of Sleep: Thurman Warriner
1611 Good Morning Miss Dove: Frances Gray Patton
1612 Affair of the Heart: Dilys Powell
1613 Rainbow Comes and Goes: D. Cooper
1614 Moonlight at Midday: Sally Carrighar
1615 Scent of new Mown Hay: J. Blackburn
1616 The Ring-givers: W.H. Canaway
1617 Night of the Horns: Douglas Sanderson
1618 Public Enemy: Hugh Clevely
1619 Law Man of Powder Valley: Peter Field
1620 The D.A. Draws a Circle: Erle Stanley Gardner
1621 Walton's Delight: G. Brennand
1622 Fire burn: John Dickson Carr
1623 The Wounds of Hunger: Luis Spota
1624 Taste for Honey: G. Heard
1625 Holy Sinner: Thomas Mann
1626 Little Brother Fate: Mary-Carter Roberts
1627 Shadow of a Lady: Holly Roth
1628 Venusberg: Anthony Powell
1629 Month of September: Frederique Hebrard
1630 Wild Palms: William Faulkner
1631 Blue Chips: J. Deiss
1632 The Humbler Creation: Pamela Hansford Johnson
1633 Lady Killer: W. Hardy
1634 After the Rain: J. Bowen
1635 Spinster: Sylvia Ashton Warner
1636 Boiled Alive: Bruce Buckingham
1637 Murder in the Mews: Agatha Christie
1638 Penguin Science Fiction: B.Aldiss
1639 The Best We Can Do: Sybille Bedford
1640 Hamlet, Revenge!: Michael Innes
1641 Old Hall New Hall: Michael Innes
1642 Christman at Candleshoe: Michael Innes
1643 Twenty-Third Man: Gladys Mitchell
1644 Death of the Moth and Other Stories: Virginia Woolf
1645 Satan in the Suburbs: B. Russell
1646 The Beast in Me and Other Animals: James Thurber
1647 Limbo'90: Bernard Wolfe
1648 Lucky Jim: Kingsley Amis
1649 Thirteen Days: Ian Jefferies
1650 Wai-Wai: Nicholas Guppy
1651 Conversation in Italy: E. Vittorini
1652 Full Moon: P.G. Wodehouse
1653 The Blanket of the Dark: John Buchan
1654 Those Without Shadows: Francoise Sagan
1655 At Home: W. Plomer
1656 Wait for a Corpse: Max Murray
1657 Tree of Man: Patrick White
1658 Prater Violet: Christopher Isherwood (reprint)
1659 The St Trininan's Story: Ronald Searle (reprint)
1660 The Lovers: Raymond Peynet
1661 Violins of Saint-Jacques: Patrick Leigh Fermor
1662 Fandango Rock: John Masters
1663 Marches of El Dorado: M. Swann
1664 Through a Glass Darkly: Helen McCloy
1665 Les Enfants Terribles: Jean Cocteau
1666 Misfits: Arthur Miller
1667 Chosen Words: Ivor Brown
1668 A Propos of Lady Chatterley's Lover: D. H. Lawrence
1669 A Kind of Loving: Stan Barstow
1670 Eating People is Wrong: Malcolm Bradbury (reprint)
1671 Jack Would Be A Gentleman: Gillian Freeman
1672 Within and Without: John Harvey
1673 Hiding Place: R. Shaw
1674 This Sporting Life: David Storey(reprint)
1675 The Teachers: G.W. Target (reprint)
1676 A High-Pitched Buzz: Roger Longrigg
1677 Mr. Nicholas: Thomas Hinde
1678 Maigret and the Old Lady: Georges Simenon
1679 Inquest on Bouvet: Georges Simenon
1680 Maigret Has Scruples: Georges Simenon
1681 Maigret and the Reluctant Witnesses: Georges Simenon
1682 Cider With Rosie: Laurie Lee reprint
1683 Good Companions: J.B. Priestley reprint
1684 The Patriots: J. Barlow
1685 A Breath of French Air: H.E. Bates
1686 Pincher Martin: William Golding
1687 The Ever-Interesting topic: William Cooper
1688 The Bell: Iris Murdoch
1689 The Contenders: John Wain
1690 The Death of the Heart: Elizabeth Bowen
1691 Malone Dies: Samuel Beckett
1692 From London Far: Michael Innes
1693 The Soft Talkers: M. Millar
1694 Key to Nicolas Street: S. Elin
1695 Lost Childhood and Other Essays; Graham Greene
1696 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: T. E. Lawrence reprint
1697 Coming Up For Air: George Orwell
1698 Keep the Aspidistra Flying: George Orwell
1699 reprint Homage to Catalonia: George Orwell
1700 The Road to Wigan Pier: George Orwell reprint
1701 The 6th Penguin Crossword Puzzle Book
1702 Six Great Advocates by Lord Birkett
1703 Lion in the Cellar: P. Branch
1704 A World of Strangers: Nadine Gordimer
1705 A History of Polar Exploration: L.P. Kirwan
1706 What's Become of Waring: Anthony Powell
1707 Among the Dahlias: W. Sanson
1708 Murder in the Pastiche: M. Mainwaring
1709 Ballerina: Vicki Baum
1710 The case of Torches: Clark Smith
1711 Vodi: John Braine
1712 The Mountain is Young: Han Suyin
1713 Family and a Fortune: Compton-Burnett
1714 Ripeness is All: Eric Linklater
1715 The Flame Trees of Thika: Elspeth Huxley
1716 reprint Lost World of the Kalahari: Laurens Van Der Post
1717 Jamaica Inn: Daphne du Maurier
1718 Two Thirds of a Ghost: H. Mc Cloy
1719 Rebecca: Daphne du Maurier
1720 The King's General: Daphne du Maurier
1721 My Cousin Rachel: Daphne du Maurier
1722 Mary Anne: Daphne du Maurier
1723 The Scapegoat: Daphne du Maurier
1724 Frenchman's Creek: Daphne du Maurier
1725 All in a Lifetime: Walter Allen
1726 Mister Johnson: Joyce Cary
1727 Bridge to the Sun: G. Terasaki
1728 A Question of Upbringing: Anthony Powell
1729 A Buyer's Market: Anthony Powell
1730 The Acceptance World: Anthony Powell
1731 A Shot in the Dark: David Garnett
1732 Under the Volcano: M. Lowry
1733 The Diamond as big as the Ritz: F. Scott Fitzgerald
1734 Homecomings: C.P. Snow
1735 Your Money and Your Life: George Milner
1736 At the Villa Rosa: A.E. W Mason
1737 Diamond as Big as the Ritz: Scott Fitzgerald
1738 Hons and Rebels: Jessica Mitford
1739 Bliss and Other Stories: Katherine Mansfield
1740 Olivia: Olivia
1741 Footsteps at the Lock: R. Knox
1742 All Fall Down: J.L. Herlihy
1743 Welcome Death: Glyn Daniel
1744 The Daily Telegraph Ninth Crossword Puzzle Book
1745 Brothers in Law: Henry Cecil
1746 Friends at Court: Henry Cecil
1747 Much in Evidence: Henry Cecil
1748 Sober as a Judge: Henry Cecil
1749 The soft Voice of the Serpent: Nadine Gordimer
1750 Gidget: Frederick Kohner
1751 My Turn to Make the Tea: Monica Dickens
1752 The Sea Change: E.J. Howard
1753 The Case of the Dangerous Dowager: Erle Stanley Gardner
1754 Coffin Scarcely Used: C. Watson
1755 Closed Circuit: William Haggard
1756 Alarms and Diversions: James Thurber
1757 Glass Village: Ellery Queen
1758 The Night of Wenceslas: Lionel Davidson
1759 No Pocket in the Shroud: Horace McCoy
1760 Second Curtain: Roy Fuller
1761 Bandoola: J.H. Williams
1762 The Fall: Albert Camus
1763 Time of Hope: C.P. Snow
1764 The Affair: C.P. Snow
1765 Strangers and Brothers: C.P. Snow
1766 If Ever I cease to Love: Frances Parkinson Keyes
1767 The career of David Noble: Frances Parkinson Keyes
1768 Fieldings Folly: Frances Parkinson Keyes
1769 Thurber Country: James Thurber
1770 The Flight from the Enchanter: Iris Murdoch
1771 Death in High Provence: George Bellairs
1772 Clicking of Cuthbert: P.G. Wodehouse
1773 The Penguin 100 Best Crosswords: Compiled by Alan Cash
1774 Death and the Visiting firemen: H.R.F. Keating
1775 Famous Trials 6: James H. Hodge
1776 Chinese Gold Murders: R. Van Gulig
1777 Have His Carcase: Dorothy L. Sayers
1778 Busman's Honeymoon: Dorothy L. Sayers
1779 Lord Peter Views the Body: Dorothy L. Sayers
1780 Hangman's Holiday: Dorothy L. Sayers
1781 The Widows of Broome: A. Upfield
1782 Member of the Wedding: Carson McCullers
1783 Billy Liar: Keith Waterhouse
1784 No Room in the Ark: Alan Moorehead
1785 The End of the Affair: Graham Greene
1786 The Evidence of Love: Dan Jacobson
1787 Goddam White Man: D. Lytton
1788 Just For the Record: Stanley Price
1789 The Heart of the Matter: Graham Greene
1790 Our Man in Havana: Graham Greene
1791 The Power and the Glory: Graham Greene
1792 The Quiet American: Graham Greene
1793 Soviet Short Stories
1794 The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold: Evelyn Waugh
1795 Courtroom USA 1: Rupert Furneaux
1796 The Ha-Ha: Jennifer Dawson
1797 Little World of Don Camillo: Giovanni Guareschi (reprint)
1798 Don Camillo and the Prodigal Son: Giovanni Guareschi
1799 Don Camillo's Dilemma: Giovanni Guareschi
1800 Don Camillo and the Devil: Giovanni Guareschi
1801 Crimson in the PUrple: Holly Roth
1802 Thrush Green: "Miss Read"
1803 That Great Lucifer: Margaret Irwin
1804 Corpse Diplomatique: Delano Ames
1805 In chancery: John Galsworthy
1806 September Roses: Anfre Maurois
1807 No Grave for a Lady: J & E Bonett
1808 Flowers on the Grass: Monica Dickens
1809 A Case of Conscience: James Blish
1810 Sir Alexander Fleming: Andre Maurois
1811 The God Boy: Ian Cross
1812 Poison in the Pen: P. Wentworth
1813 Man Overboard: Monica Dickens (reprint)
1814 The Sleeping Bride: Dorothy Eden
1815 Meet Mr Mulliner: P.G. Wodehouse
1816 The Earthy Paradise: C.S. Forester
1817 Be Ready with Bells and Drums: Elizabeth Kata
1818 Fresh from the Country: "Miss Read"
1819 Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal: H.E. Bates
1820 Red Queen White Queen: Henry Treece
1821 The Shorn Lamb: John Stroud
1822 Silk Hats and No Breakfast: Honor Tracy
1823 The Reprieve: Jean Paul Sarte
1824 The Light and the Dark: C.P. Snow
1825 The Penguin Max: Giovanette (reprint)
1826 Gamesmanship: Stephen Potter
1827 reprint Lifemanship: Stephen Potter
1828 yes One-upmanship: Stephen Potter
1829 Supermanship: Stephen Potter
1830 The Blood of Other: Simone de Beauvoir
1831 Landscape with Dead Dons: R. Robinson
1832 Kiss Kiss: Roald Dahl
1833 S-Men: Mark Caine
1834 Unknown Sea: F. Mauriac
1835 The Victorian Chaise-Lounge: Margharita Laski
1836 The Weekend in Dinlock: Clancy Sigal
1837 Hear Me Talkin'to Ya: N. Shapiro
1838 Picture: Lillian Ross
1839 The Age of Scandal: T. H. White
1840 Agents and Patients: Anthony Powell
1841 Aimez-vous Brahms: Francoise Sagan
1842 The Egyptian Cross Mystery: Ellery Queen
1843 Flight into Camden: David Storey
1844 Heat of the Day: E. Bowen
1845 The Penguin: Charles Addams
1846 The Princess de Cleves: Madame de layfayette
1847 A Rose by Any Other Name: Anthony Carson
1848 Take a Girl Like You: Kingsley Amis
1849 The Tale of Beatrix Potter: Margaret Lane
1850 The Taste of Fears: Margaret Miller
1851 The Country Girls: Edna O'Brien
1852 Summing Up: W. Somerset Maugham
1853 Striptease: Georges Simenon
1854 The Little Man from Archangel: Georges Simenon
1855 N/A: Leaves of Grass: Walt Whitman (This book was never issued)
1856 The Big City: Alex Atkinson & ronald Searle
1857 Famous Trials VII: H.M. Hyde
1858 Nightmares of Eminent People: B. Russell
1859 The Narrow Corner: W. Somerset Maugham
1860 The Razor's Edge: W. Somerset Maugham
1861 Of Human Bondage: W. Somerset Maugham
1862 Dangling Man: Saul Bellow
1863 Hatred, Ridicule or Contempt: Joseph Dean
1864 There Must Be A Pony: Jim Kirkwood
1865 Exile and the Kingdom: Albert Camus
1866 Term of Trial: James Barlow
1867 This Side of Paradise: F. Scott Fitzgerald
1868 The Case of the Smoking Chimney: Erle Stanley Gardner
1869 The Case of the Empty Tin: Erle Stanley Gardner
1870 Two Clues: Erle Stanley Gardner
1871 Collected Short Stories I: W. Somerset Maugham
1872 Collected Short Stories II: W. Somerset Maugham
1873 Collected Short Stories III: W. Somerset Maugham
1874 Collected Short Stories IV: W. Somerset Maugham
1875 reprint Last and First Men: Olaf Stapledon
1876 I Thought of Daisy: Edmund Wilson
1877 A Clergyman's Daughter: George Orwell
1878 The Day It Rained Forever: Ray Bradbury
1879 The Arena: William Haggard
1880 A Touch of Stagefright: Jocelyn Davey
1881 Run For Cover: John Welcome
1882 The Snows of Kilimanjaro: Ernest Hemingway
1883 At Lady Molly's: Anthony Powell
1884 The Day of the Locust: Nathaniel West
1885 The Wapshot Chronicle: John Cheever
1886 Dragon in the Sea: Frank Herbert
1887 The Maltese Falcon: Dashiell Hammett
1888 Red Harvest: Dashiel Hammett
1889 The Greer Case: David. W. Peck
1890 Encounters With Animals: Gerald Durrell (reprint)
1891 The Rock Pool: Cyril Connolly
1892 Spring Song: Joyce Cary
1893 Helena: Evelyn Waugh
1894 Burnt-out Case: Graham Greene
1895 The confidential Agent: Graham Greene
1896 A Gun For Sale: Graham Greene
1897 Ministry of Fear: Graham Greene
1898 Stamboul Train: Graham Greene
1899 The Case of the Turning Tide: Erle Stanley Gardner
1900 A Gun For Sale: Graham Greene
1901 Maigret Goes Home: Georges Simenon
1902 Maigret In A Fog (Not Issued)
1903 Maigret on the Frontier (Not Issued)
1904 Maigret and the Trawlerman (Not Issued)
1905 The Hugo Winners: Isaac Asimov
1906 Sammy Going South: W. H. Canawa
1907 The Ballad of the Sad Cafe: Carson McCullers
1908 The Adventures of Ellery Queen: Ellery Queen
1909 (reprint) The Ballad of Peckham Rye: Muriel Spark
1910 The Bachelors: Muriel Spark
1911 The comforters: Muriel Spark
1912 The Go Away Bird: Muriel Spark
1913 The L-Shaped Room: Lynne Reid Banks
1914 Nurse on the district: J. Jones
1915 South from Granada: Gerald Brenan
1916 Summer Storm: Juan Garcia Hortelano
1917 reprint The Winds of Heavy: Monica Dickens
1918 The Watercress Girl: H.E. Bates
1919 Selected Short Stories: Henry James
1920 Washington Square: Henry James
1921 Portrait of a lady: Henry James
1922 Spoils of Poynton: Henry James
1923 The Middle of the Journey: Lionel Trilling
1924 Science Survey 1963 A: Edited Arthur Garratt
1925 Science Survey 1963 B: Edited by S.A. Barnett and Anne McLaren
1926 A Sour Apple Tree: John Blackburn
1927 The Hireling: L.P. Harley
1928 The Fig Tree: Aubrey Menen
1929 To Kill a Mockingbird: Harper Lee
1930 A Travelling Woman: John Wain
1931 The Goshawk: T.H. White
1932 Laughter in the Dark: Vladimir Nabakov
1933 The White Nile: Alan Moorehead
1934 Death in Covert: Colin Willock
1935 The Boy in the Bush: D. H. Lawrence & M.L. Skinner
1936 The Mackerel Plaza: Peter De Vries
1937 The Old Man and the Sea: Ernest Hemingway
1938 Memories of a Catholic Girlhood: Mary McCarthy
1939 Portrait of Hemingway: Lillian Ross
1940 As I Lay Dying: William Faulkner
1941 The Birds & Other Stories: Daphne du Maurier
1942 Jennie: Paul Gallico
1943 Mrs. Harris Goes to New York: Paul Gallico
1944 Flowers for Mrs. Harris: Paul Gallico
1945 Love of Seven Dolls: Paul Gallico
1946 Through the Fields of Clover: P. DeVries
1947 Murder's Little Sister: Pamela Branch
1948 List of Adrian Messenger: P. MacDonald
1949 Murder Plan Six; John Bingham
1950 La Symphonie Pastorale: Andre Gide reprint
1951 White-Maa's Saga: Eric Linklater
1952 Seven Gothic Tales: I. Dineson
1953 Death Under Sail: C.P. Snow
1954 The Free Fishers; John Buchan
1955 Sard Harker: John Masefield
1956 My Oedipus Complex & Other Stories: Frank O'Connor
1957 The Living Past: Iva Lissner
1958 Live Now, Pay Later: Jack Trevor Story
1959 The Hammersmith Maggot: William Mole
1960 A Use of Riches: J. I. M. Stewart
1961 The Grey Flannel Shroud: Henry Slesar
1962 Watcher in the Shadows: Geoffrey Household
1963 More Penguin Science Fiction: Editor Brian Aldiss
1964 Afternoon Men: Anthony Powell
1965 Zen There Was Murder: H.R.F. Keating
1966 Bump in the Night: C. Watson
1967 Conversations with Stalin: Milovan Djilas
1968 Cop Hater: Ed McBain
1969 The Mugger: Ed McBain
1970 The Pusher: Ed McBain
1971 The Con Man: Ed McBain
1972 Killer's Choice: Ed McBain
1973 The Bachelors: Henry de Montverlant
1974 On The Loose: John Stroud
1975 When the Green Woods Laugh: H.E. Bates
1976 Don't Tell Alfred: Nancy Mitford
1977 The Absence of a Cello: Ira Wallach
1978 Mission of Gravity: H. Clement
1979 Courtroom USA 2: Rupert Furneaux
1980 My Friend Judas: Andrew Sinclair
1981 Daughters of Mulberry: Roger Longrigg
1982 The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber: Ernest Hemingway
1983 A Ballad of Love: F. Prokosch
1984 reprint Invitation to a Beheading: Vladimir Nabakov
1985 The Slide Area: Gavin Lambert
1986 Trouble with Lichen: John Wyndham
1987 Golk: R. G. Stern
1988 Free Fall: William Golding
1989 The Light of Common Day: Diana Cooper
1990 Settled Out of Court: Henry Cecil
1991 Daughters in Law: Henry Cecil
1992 Alibi for a Judge: Henry Cecil
1993 Ways and Means : Henry Cecil
1994 The Years with Ross: James Thurber
1995 The American Way of Death: Jessica Mitford
1996 The Kon-Tiki Expedition: Thor Heyerdahl
1997 The Penguin Brockbank: Brockbank
1998 Limits of Love: F. Raphael
1999 Sirius: Olaf Stapledon
2000 The New English Bible
2001 The world is Not Enough: Z. Oldenbourg
2002 The Man With the Cane: Jean Potts
2003 reprint A Severed Head: Iris Murdoch
2004 The Evolution Man: Roy Lewis
2005 Three to Conquer: Eric Frank Russell
2006 The Penguin Thelwell: Thelwell
2007 Not issued
2008 The Flaw in the Crystal: Godfrey Smith
2009 The Essential James Joyce: Ed. Harry Levin
2010 A Season in White: Peter Draper
2011 Family Favourites: Alfred Duggan
2012 The Shocking History of Advertising: E.S. Turner
2013 Claudine at School: Colette
2014 Claudine in Paris; Colette
2015 Claudine Married: Colette
2016 Claudine and Annie: Colette
2017 Inspector Queen's Own Case: Ellergy Queen
2018 Sunday: Georges Simenon
2019 Lady Killer: Ed McBain
2020 The Gold Rimmed Spectacles: Giorgio Bassani
2021 The Wayward Wife & Other Stories: Alberto Moravia
2022 USA for Beginners: Ray Searle
2023 Maigret and the Enigmatic Left: Georges Simenon
2024 Maigret Mystified: Georges Simenon
2025 Maigret and the Hundred Gibbets: Georges Simenon
2026 Maigret Stonewalled: Georges Simenon
2027 Maigret Meets a Milord: Georges Simenon
2028 Maigret at the Crossroads: Georges Simenon
2029 A Place Apart: David Lytton: Not Issued
2030 Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter: Simone de Beauvior
2031 Hadrian VII: Fr. Rolfe
2032 Scenes from Married Life: William Cooper
2033 Dignity & Purity: Ian Jefferies Dignity and Purity: I. Jeffries
2034 The Captive and the Free: Joyce Cary
2035 Stop at Nothing: J. Welcome
2036 Murder, Maestro, Please: D. Ames
2037 The Man Who Won the Pools: J.I.M. Stewart
2038 The Paton Street Case: John Bingham
2039 The Penguin Hoffnung: Gerald Hoffnung
2040 German Short Stories: Ed. Richard Newnham
2041 Famous Trials 8: William Kidd
2042 The Tempter: Anthony Bloomfield Tempter: A. Bloomfield
2043 Science Survey 1964 A: Edited by Arthur Garratt
2044 Science Survey 1964 B: Edited by Arthur Garratt
2045 Iron in the Soul: Jean Paul Sartre
2046 The Indiscretions of ARchie: P.G. Wodehouse
2047 Jeeves in the Offing: P.G. Wodehouse
2048 The Heart of a Goof: P.G. Wodehouse
2049 Hot Water: P.G. Wodehouse
2050 Go, Lovely Rose: J. Potts
2051 The Jenguin Pennings: Paul Jennings
2052 The Moon and the Bonfire: C. Pavese
2053 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
2054 Mesdames, Messieurs, 1, Vivian Rowe
2055 Physical Fitness
2056 The White Deer: James Thurber
2057 Lanterns and Laces: James Thurber
2058 Image of a Society: Roy Fuller
2059 The Secret Agent: Joseph Conrad
2060 Victory: Joseph Conrad
2061 Nigger of the Narcissus: Joseph Conrad
2062 Nostromo: Joseph Conrad
2063 Inside Russia Today: Joseph Conrad
2064 The Premier: Georges Siimenon
2065 A Legacy: Sybille Bedford
2066 The Deadly Affair/Call for the Dead: John le Carre'
2067 Position at Noon: Eric Linklater
2068 Trumpets from the Steep: Diana Cooper
2069 The Fox in the Attic: Richard Hughes
2070 The Europeans: Henry James
2071 Death of a Huntsman: H.E. Bates
2073 Border Country: R. Williams
2074 New Sonia Wayward: Michael Innes
2075 Casanova's Chinese Restaurant: Anthony Powell
2076 The Minister: Maurice Edelman
2077 Corpse at the Carnival; G. Bellairs
2078 The Half Hunter: John Sherwood
2079 The Old Men at the Zoo: Angus Wilson
2080 Silence Observed: Michael Innes
2081 The Sun Doctor: Robert Shaw
2082 Three Singles to Adventure: Gerald Durrell
2083 The Whispering Land: Gerald Durrell
2084 Zoo in My Luggage: Gerald Durrell (reprint)
2085 The Sovereigns: Roger Vailland
2086 The Heart of London: Monica Dickens
2087 The Sound and the Fury: William Faulkner
2088 The Loving Spirit: Daphne du Maurier
2089 The Connoisseur's Crossword Book
2090 The Guardian Seventh Crossword Book
2091 The Hour of Maximum Danger: James BarlowF
2092 Mesdames, Messieurs, 2: Vivian Rowe
2093 The Birthday King: Gabriel Fielding
2094 The children of Sanchez: Oscar Lewis
2095 Deathworld: H. Harrison
2096 Dreadful Summit: Stanley Ellin
2097 Rabbit, Run: John Updike (reprint)
2098 The Sleep of Baby Filbertson: J. L. Herlihy
2099 There is a Happy Land: Keith Waterhouse
2100 A Morning at the Office: Edgar Mittelholzer
2101 The Long March: W. Styron
2102 American romance: H. Koningsberger
2103 Guest in the House: P. MacDonald
2104 The Spoilt Kill: Mary Kelly
2105 A Long and Happy Life: Reynolds Price
2106 The Great Siege: Ernle Bradford
2107 World of the Child: Oxfam
2108 Girl with Green Eyes: Edna O'Brien
2109 The Man on the Rock: Francis Green
2110 The Aspirin Age
2111 The Nose on my Face: L. Payne
2112 The Golden Notebook: Doris Lessing
2113 Lady L: Romain Gary
2114 Sons of God: G. Griffin
2115 The Luck of Ginger Coffey: Brian Moore
2116 The Meaning of Treason: Rebecca West
2117 The Essential Hemingway: Ernest Hemingway
2118 Birds of Paradise: P. Scott
2119 Killer's Payoff: Ed McBain
2120 Franny and Zooey: J.D. Salinger
2121 Officers and Gentlemen: Evelyn Waugh
2122 Unconditional Surrender: Evelyn Waugh
2123 Men at Arms: Evelyn Waugh
2124 Famous Trials 9: roger Casement: H. Mongomery Hyde
2125 Arabian Sands: Wilfred Thesiger
2126 Take Only as Directed: J. Byrom
2127 The Taste of Too Much: Clifford Hanley
2128 The Origins of the Second World War: A.J. P. Taylor
2129 The Unquiet Sleep: William Haggard
2130 An Aspidistra in Babylon: H.E. Bates
2131 World in Winter: John Christopher
2132 The Witch of the Low Tide: John Dickson Carr
2133 This Island Now: G.M. Carstairs
2134 Whisper Town: J. Phillips
2135 Other Voices, Other Rooms: Truman Capote
2136 Pearls are a Nuisance: Raymond Chandler
2137 The Rose of Tibet: Lionel Davidson
2138 Dead Cert: D. Francis
2139 The Fancy; Monica Dickens
2140 Henry's War: Jeremy Brooks
2141 The Whipping Boys: Guy Cullingford
2142 Absolute Beginners: Colin MacInnes
2143 City of Spades; Colin MacInnes
2144 June in her Spring: Colin MacInnes
2145 Mr Love and Justice; Colin MacInnes
2146 The Spanish Civil War: Hugh Thomas
2147 Sir Walter Raleigh: Norman Lloyd Williams
2148 The Sleepwalkers: ARthur Koestler
2149 Killer's Wedge: Ed McBain
2150 The Man Who Watched Trains Go By: Georges Simenon
2151 Thomasina: Paul Gallico
2152 The Child Buyer: John Hersey
2153 The Busineses of Loving: Godfrey Smith
2154 reprint An Unofficial Rose: Iris Murdoch
2155 The Birdcase: John Bowen
2156 The Mystic Masseur: V.S. Naipaul
2157 Robinson: Muriel Spark
2158 Max Carrados Mysteries
2159 Mrs. Dalloway; Virginia Woolf
2160 Famous Trials 10; Final Solution
2161 The Same Door: John Updike
2162 Rothschilds: Frederic Morton
2163 The Scarlet Letters: Ellery Queen
2164 Til Death: Ed McBain
2165 reprint To the Lighthouse: Virginia Woolf
2166 reprint The Pumpkin Eater: Penelope Mortimer
2167 A Charmed Life: Mary McCarthy
2168 Look Back, Mrs Lot!: Ephraim Kishon
2169 Painting as a Pastime: Winston S. Churchill
2170 A Place Apart: David Lytton
2171 Mesdames, Messieurs 3: Vivian Rowe
2172 Dead Man Running: John Blackburn
2173 Age of Austerity: Philip French
2174 Venetian Blind: William Haggard
2175 A Ghost at Noon: Alberto Moravia
2176 Life at the Top: John Braine
2177 The Sleepless Moon: H.E. Bates
2178 Stain on the Snow: Georges Simenon
2179 The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz: Mordecai Richler
2180 The Age of Illusion: England in the 20s and 30s: Ronald George Blythe
2181 In a German Pension: Katherine Mansfield
2182 Wolf Solent: John Cowper Powys
2183 Concluding: Henry Green
2184 reprint the Group: Mary McCarthy
2185 Riders in the Chariot: Patrick White
2186 Newhaven-Dieppe: Georges Simenon (Not issued)
2187 Banana Tourist: Georges Siimenon (Not issued)
2188 Blind Path: Georges Simenon (Not issued)
2189 Yet More Penguin Science Fictioin: Ed. Brian Aldiss
2190 Love and the French: Nina Epton
2191 Love and the Spanish: Nina Epton
2192 Love and the English: Nina Epton
2193 Island: Aldous Huxley
2194 Best Detective Stories: Cyril Hare
2195 The Pledge: Fredrich Durrenmatt
2196 reprint Italian Short Stories
2197 LÁmour: R. Peynet
2198 Smart-Aleck Kill: Raymond Chandler
2199 The Real Life of Sebastian Knight: Vladimir Nabakov
2200 The Tunnel of Love: Peter de Vries
2201 Hare Sitting Up: Michael Innes
2202 The Daffodil Affair: Michael Innes
2203 Operation Pax; Michael Innes
2204 Money in the Bank: P.G. Wodehouse
2205 Ukidge: P.G. Wodehouse
2206 No Bail for the Judge: Henry Cecil
2207 Unlawful Occasions: Henry Cecil
2208 Painswick Line: Henry Cecil
2209 Natural Causes: Henry Cecil
2210 The Sense of Humour: Stephen Potter
2211 Mesdames, Messieurs 4; Vivian Rowe
2212 Andre Francois: Andre Francois
2213 Scholarship at Stake: Jane Hope
2214 Man Meets Dog: C. Lorenz
2215 The Price of Glory: Verdun 1916: Alistair Horne
2216 The Penguin Book of the Renaissance: J. H. Plumb
2217 Who? Algis Budrys
2218 The Search: C.P. Snow
2219 King's Ransom: Ed McBain
2220 The Demoniacs: John Dickson Carr
2221 Owls and Satyrs: David Pryce-Jones
2222 The Prime of Life: Simone de Beauvoir
2223 Connoisseur's SF. ed. Tom Boardman
2224 The Space Merchants: Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kombluth
2225 Science Survey 1965 A: Edited by Arthur Garratt
2226 Science Survey 1965 B: Edited by Arthur Garratt
2227 World of A.J.Wentworth, BA: Ellis H.F.
2228 Nuncle and Other Stories: John Wain
2229 The Drowned World: J.G. Ballard
2230 Fantasy and Fugue: Roy Fuller
2231 Consider Her Ways and Others: John Wyndham
2232 Comfort Me With Apples: Peter de Vries
2233 Slow Burner: William Haggard
2234 Suspicious Circumstances: P. Quentin
2235 The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie: Muriel Spark
2236 The Heart of the Hunter: Laurens van der Post
2237 reprint The Fire Next Time: James Baldwin
2238 Searle in the Sixties: Ronald Searle
2239 Benito Mussolini: Christopher Hibbert
2240 The Ship of Fools: Katherine Anne Porter
2241 Night's Black Agent: John Bingham
2242 The London Nobody KnowsP Geoffrey Fletcher
2243 Osbert Lancaster: Osbert Lancaster
2244 Fifth Planet: Fred and Geoffrey Hoyle
2245 Act of Passion: Georges Simenon
2246 Black Rain: Georges Simenon
2247 Maigret in Society: Georges Simenon
2248 Maigret's Failure: Georges Simenon
2249 Maigret Takes a Room: Georges Simenon
2250 Maigret Afraid: Georges Simenon
2251 Maigret in Court: Georges simenon
2252 Pedigree: Georges Simenon
2253 The Widower: Georges Simenon
2254 In Case of Emergency: Georges Simenon
2255 The Golden Oriole: H.E. Bates
2256 England, Half English: Colin MacInnes
2257 The guilt Merchants: Robert Harwood
2258 The Empty Canvas: Alberto Moravia
2259 Jacob's Room: Virginia Woolf
2260 Vanishing Point: Patricia Wentworth
2261 The Feminine Mystique: Betty Friedan
2262 The Trial of Stephen Ward: Ludovic Kennedy
2263 The Railway Age: Michael Robbins
2264 Raise High the Roof Beams, Carpenters: J.D. Salinger
2265 Journey to the Centre of the Earth: Jules Verne
2266 Mesdames, Messieurs 5: Vivian Rowe
2267 An Error of Judgement: Pamela Hansford Johnson
2268 Silent Spring: Rachel Carson
2269 The Hill of Devi: E.M. Forster
2270 The Night of the Iguana: Tennessee Williams
2271 yes A Murder of quality: John le Carre
2272 yes The Backward Sex: Ian Cross
2273 Rough Shoot: G. Household
2274 A World of Difference: Stanley Price
2275 Lambda I and Other Stories: John Carnell
2276 Nausea: Jean-Paul Sartre
2277 The Progress of Julius: Daphne du Maurier
2278 Love Me Do: the Beatles Progress: Michael Braun
2279 In a Word: Margaret Samuel Ernst
2280 Gun Before butter: Nicolas Freeling
2281 Love in Amsterdam: Nicolas Freeling
2282 Because of the Cats: Nicolas Freeling
2283 Exactly What We Want: Philip Oakes
2284 Three Players of a Summer Game: Tennessee Williams
2285 Leave Me Alone: D. Carp
2286 The Desperadoes and Other Stories: Stan Barstow
2287 Auto da Fe: Elias Canetti
2288 Home is the Prisoner: J. Potts
2289 Wind, Sand and Stars: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
2290 No Signposts in the Sea: Vita Sackville-West
2291 Cast But One Shadow: Han Suyin
2292 The Kindly Ones: Anthony Powell
2293 The Captain's Table: Richard Gordon
2294 Doctor on Toast: Richard Gordon
2295 Doctor in Clover: Richard Gordon
2296 Doctor and Son: Richard Gordon
2297 Decline of the English Murder: George Orwell (reprint)
2298 Debbie Go Home: Alan Paton
2299 The Parasites: Daphne du Maurier
2300 4000 Years Ago: Geoffrey Bibby
2301 Wings Above the Diamantina: Arthur Upfield
2302 Wild Company: ed. Eric Duthey
2303 The Water Beetle: Nancy Mitford
2304 Flash and Filigree & The Magic Christian: Terry Southern
2305 The Roots of Evil: Christopher Hibbert
2306 They Shoot Horses, Don't They? H. McCoy
2307 Life with Sonia: P. Daninos
2308 Cat's Cradle: Kurt Vonnegut
2309 More Than Human: Theodore Sturgeon
2310 Give the Boys a Great Big Hand: Ed McBain
2311 Trial by Sasswood: Esther Warner
2312 The China Governess: Margery Allingham
2313 The Apes of God: Wyndham Lewis
2314 Ticket of Leave: Georges Simenon
2315 reprint Strait is the Gate & The Vatican Cellars: Andre Gide
2316 Account Unsettled: Georges Simenon
2317 Clock Without Hands: Carson McCullers
2318 The Eighth Circle: Stanley Ellin
2319 As a Man Grows Older: Svevo Italo
2320 The Wings of the Dove: Henry James
2321 The Merry Hippo: Elspeth Huxley
2322 reprint Horse Under Water: Len Deighton
2323 The High Wire: William Haggard
2324 A Wolf Adventuring: Jean Forton
2325 The Queens and the Hive: Edith Sitwell
2326 The Crack-Up and Other Pieces: F. Scott Fitzgerald
2327 The Company She Keeps: Mary McCarthy
2328 The Nun of Monza: Mario Mazzucchelli
2329 The Unknown Citizen: Tony Parker
2330 Trial by Terror: Paul Gallico
2331 Pigeon Feathers: John Updike
2332 Steppenwolf: Hermann Hesse
2333 Mesdames, Messieurs 6: Vivian Rowe
2334 Painter of our Time: J. Berger
2335 Invisible Man: Ralph Ellison
2336 Survey Business Industry: Rex Malik
2337 Jumping Jenny: Ed. Julius Gould
2338 Flamingo Feather: Laurens van der Post
2339 The Eye of the Needle: Thomas Walsh
2340 The Centaur: John Updike
2341 Beyond the Headlines: J. Bowen
2342 An Answer from Limbo: Brian Moore
2343 Ashes and Diamond: George Andrzeyevski
2344 Hungry Hill: Daphne du Maurier
2345 The four-Dimensional Nightmare: J.G. Ballard
2346 My Enemy's Enemy: Kingsley Amis
2347 Journey into Russia: Laurens van der Post reprint
2348 The Sunday Telegraph Crossword Puzzle Post
2349 Brief Candles: Aldous Huxley
2350 Teacher: S. Ashton-Warner
2351 Tutankhamen: Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt
2352 Wellington Road: Margaret Lassell
2353 The Death's Head: Arthur Wise
2354 No More Meadows: Monica dickens
2355 Radcliffe: David Storey
2356 The Fate of the Malous: Georges Simenon
2357 The Venus of Konpara: John Masters
2358 With a Strange Devide: Eric Frank Russell
2359 The Tin Drum: Gunther Grass
2360 A Precocious Autobiography: Yevgeny Yetushenko
2361 The Seventh Crossword Puzzle book
2362 Two Cheers for Democracy: E.M. Forster
2363 The Window Over the Way: Georges Simenon
2364 A Matter of Colour: Lorraine Hansbury
2365 Abinger Harvest: E.M. Forster
2366 Parkinson's Law: C. Northcote Parkinson
2367 yes The Law and the Profits: C. Northcote Parkinson
2368 In-laws and Outlaws: C. Northcote Parkinson
2369 The Penguin Book of the American Civil War: Bruce Catton
2370 Wonderful Clouds: Francoise Sagan
2371 The Fancy Dress Party: Alberto Moravia
2372 Stories from the New Yorker 1950-1960
2373 A Night of Errors: Michael Innes
2374 Puckoon: Tom Wintringham
2375 A Bit Off the Map and Other Stories: Angus Wilson
2376 The Man in the High Castle: C. Brahms and S. U. Simon
2377 Drivers Wilder Wildest: C. Brahms and S.J. Simon
2378 The Mouse: Simenon
2379 Inside Robert Robinson: Robert robinson
2380 Full circle: R. B. Cunninghame Graham
2381 According to the Evidence: Virginia Woolf
2382 Independent Witness: Prince L. Lowenstein & W. Gerhardi
2383 Success and Failure of Picasso: Lewis Robinson
2384 The Ante-Room: Lovat Dickson
2385 French Short Stories: Edited by Pamela Lyon
2386 In Spite of Thunder: F. L. Green
2387 All the Colours of Darkness: Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
2388 A New Lease of Life: Georges Simenon
2389 Confessions of a Story-Teller: Paul Gallico
2390 Here to Stay: John Hershey
2391 Something for Nothing: Jack Trevor Story
2392 Two Stories and a Memory: Giuseppi di Lampedusa
2393 The Heckler: Ed McBain
2394 The Penguin Private Eye
2395 The Penguin Heath Robinson: Heath Robinson
2396 Listen to Danger: D. Eden
2397 The Saint and Other Stories: V.S. Protchett
2398 yes Herzog: Saul Bellow
2399 The World in the Evening: Christopher Isherwood
2400 Inside Mr. Enderby: Anthony Burgess
2401 Monkey Planet: Pierre Boulee
2402 The Seed and the Sower: Laurens van der Post
2403 The Glass Blowers: Daphne du Maurier
2404 Hopjoy Was Here: Colin Watson
2405 Wake in Fright: Kenneth Cook
2406 yes The House that Nino Built: Giovanni Guareschi
2407 Poverty in Sicily: D. Dolci
2408 My Apprenticeship: Colette
2409 The Struggles of Albert Woods: William Cooper
2410 A Connoissuer's Case: Michael Innes
2411 yes Comrade Don Camillo: Giovanni Guareschi
2412 yes I Should Have Stayed Home: Horace McCoy
2413 Jubb: Keith Waterhouse
2414 The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
2415 yes The Counterfeiters: Andre Gide
2416 She Came to Stay: Simone de Beauvoir
2417 One Fat Englishman: Kingsley Amis
2418 USA: John Dos Passos
2419 The Last Resort: Pamela Hansford Johnson
2420 yes The Telemann Touch: William Haggard
2421 Death in the Afternoon: Ernest Hemingway
2422 Green Hills of Africa: Ernest Hemingway
2423 A Moveable Feast: Hemingway
2424 The Torrents of Spring: Ernest Hemingway
2425 Across the River and Into the Trees: Ernest Hemingway
2426 The Girls of Slender Means: Muriel Spark
2427 I'll Never Be Young Again: Daphne du Maurier
2428 The Old Boys: W. Trevor
2429 You're A Big Boy Now: David Benedictus
2430 yes The M ovie-goer: Walker Percy
2431 The Emperor's Pearl: Robert van Gulik
2432 yes A Talent for Loving: R. Condon
2433 yes Ten Days that Shook the World: John Silas Reed
2434 Sleepwalkers: David Karp
2435 The Glass Key: Dashiell Hammett
2436 Breaking the Silence: The Negro Struggle in the USA: W.J. Wetherby
2437 That Lady: Kate O'Brien
2438 yes The Sword Bearers: Corelli Barnett
2439 Penguin Technology Survey 1966: Edited by Arthur Garratt
2440 The Demon Lover and Other Stories: Elizabeth Bowen
2441 yes Journey to the End of the Night: Louis Ferdinand Celine
2442 An End to running: Lynne Reid Banks
2443 The Dog it was that died: H.R.F. Keating
2444 P-P-Penguin Patrick Campbell: Patrick Campbell
2445 Killer in the Rain: Raymond Chandler
2446 To the Victors the Spoils: Colin MacInnes
2447 yes A Singular Man: J.P. Donleavy
2448 yes What Maisie Knew: Henry James
2449 The Golden Bowl: Henry James
2450 yes The Bostonians: Henry James
2451 The Awkward Age: Henry James
2452 Alternating Currents: Frederik Pohl
2453 The Mercenaries: Donald E. Westlake
2454 A Mirror of Observers: Edgar Pangborn
2455 Facial Justice: L.P. Hartley
2456 yes Up, Into the Singing Mountains: R. Llewellyn
2457 Inside Daisy Clover: Gavin Lambert
2458 Wild Conquest: P. Abrahams
2459 The Honoured Society: The Mafia: Norman Lewis
2460 Gunner Cade: Cyril Judd
2461 Funeral in Berlin: Len Deighton
2462 The Gypsies: Jean-Paul Clebert
2463 John F. Kennedy: Hugh Sidney (not issued)
2464 yes The Woman at Belgardo: Margaret Erskine
2465 yes Too Small For His Shoes: Laurence Payne
2466 Le Grand Meaulnes: Alain Fournier
2467 Penguin Science Survey B 1966: Edited by Arthur Garratt
2468 yes Nairn's London: Ian Nairn
2469 Sweetly Sings the Donkey: Shelagh Delaney
2470 yes The Haunted Monastery: Robert van Gulik
2471 Maigret's Special Murder: Georges Simenon
2472 A Rush on the Ultimate: H.R.F. Keating
2473 yes Killing Time: Donald E. Westlake
2474 yes Cat of Many Tails: Ellery Queen
2475 yes The Foxglove Saga: Auberon Waugh
2476 The Unicorn: Irish Murdoch
2477 Oh! To Be In England: H.E. Bates
2478 Europe: Richard G. Sterne
2479 Stiff Upper Lip Jeeves: P.G. Wodehouse
2480 yes Am I too Loud? The Memories of an Accompanyist: Garald Moore
2481 yes The First World War: An Illustrated History: A.J. P. Taylor
2482 yes Roads to Ruin: The Shocking History of Social Reform: Ernest Sackville Turner
2483 The Dain Curse: Dashiell Hammett
2484 Money from Holme: Michael Innes
2485 yes The Enemy Blood: Luis Spota
2486 The Tenants of Moonbloom: Edward Lewis Wallant
2487 Idiots First: B. Malamud
2488 Nothing Like the Sun: Anthony Burgess
2489 A Walk with Love and Death: H. Koningsberger
2490 Latin American Writing Today: Ed. J.M. Cohen
2491 yes Mandrake: S. Cooper
2492 The Addict in the Street: Jeremy Larner
2493 The Victim: Saul Bellow
2494 yes The Adventures of Augie March: Saul Bellow
2495 Seize the Day: Saul Bellow
2496 Henderson the Rain King: Saul Bellow
2497 Ten Day's Wonder: Ellery Queen
2498 A Friend of Mary Rose: Elizabeth Fenwick
2499 The Terminal Beach: J.G. Ballard
2500 Spanish Short Stories: Ed. Jean Franco
2501 The Penguin Book of Lost Worlds I: Leonard Cottrell
2502 The Penguin Book of Lost Worlds II: Leonard Cottrell
2503 Maigret's Memoirs: Georges Simenon
2504 Voices at Play: Muriel Spark
2505 The Ice Saints: Frank Tuohy
2506 Corridors of Power: C.P. Snow
2507 Banking on Death: Emma Lathan
2508 The Non-Portable Scotch: Jhn Kenneth Galbraith
2509 The Valley of Bones: Anthony Powell
2510 The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathon Hoag: Robert A. Heinlein
2511 False Colours: Georgette Heyer (reprint)
2512 The Best of Beachcomber: J.B. Morton
2513 The Man Who Explained Miracles: John Dickson Carr
2514 yes How to be an Alien: George Mikes
2515 How to Scrape Skies: George Mikes
2516 yes How to be Inimitable: George Mikes
2517 yes How to Tango: George Mikes
2518 The Court at Windsor/Dos Passos Anthology: Christopher Hibbert: Not issued
2519 The New Writing in the USA: Creeley
2520 African Writing Today: Ed. Ezekial Mphahlele
2521 Drunkard's Walk: Frederick Pohl
2522 yes Menangerie Manor: Gerald Durrell
2523 Life With Picasso: Francoise Gilot & Carlton Lake
2524 The Little Fishes: Arthur Wise
2525 American Contemporary: Curtis Zahn
2526 yes Maigret and the Lazy Burglar: Georges Simenon
2527 The Insanity of Jones and Other Tales: Algernon Blackwood
2528 Penguin Survey: Business and Industry 1966: Ed. Rex Malik
2529 This Side of the Sky: James Barlow
2530 A Fine Madness: Elliott Baker
2531 Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas: Gertrude Stein
2532 Service With a Smile: P.G. Wodehouse
2533 yes The Last Tresilians: J.I.M. Stewart
2534 Voices at Play: Thomas Pynchon
2535 yes My Mother's House: Colette
2536 The Demolished Man: Alfred Bester
2537 The circus of Dr. Lao: Charles G. Finney
2538 Boswell's London Journal 1762- 1763: Ed. Frederick A. Pottle
2539 yes The Sun's Attendant: Charles Haldeman
2540 The Penguin John Lennon: John Lennon
2541 Odtaa: John Masefield
2542 yes Cat and Mouse: Gunter Grass
2543 Doctor in the Swim: Richard Gordon
2544 The New Adventures of Ellery Queen: Ellery Queen
2545 The Snowman: Charles Haldeman
2546 Uncle Dynamite: P.G. Wodehouse
2547 Summer Moonshine: P.G. Wodehouse
2548 The court at Windsor: Christopher Hibbert
2549 The Garrick Year: Margaret Drabble
2550 yes My Autobiography: Charles Chaplin
2551 Ask Me Tomorrow: Stan Barstow
2552 yes Italian Writing Today: Ed. Raleigh Trevelyan
2553 Massacre: Sine
2554 The Penguin Feiffer: Jules Feiffer
2555 Soviet Short Stories Vol 2: Ed. Peter Reddaway
2556 Wigs at Work: A.P. Herbert
2557 Beyond the Mountains: Alexander Ramati
2558 yes The Magic Barrell: Bernard Malamud
2559 The Italian Girl: Iris Murdoch
2560 yes Hackenfeller's Ape: Brigid Brophy
2561 yes Wolfbane: Frederick Pohl
2562 Path of Dalliance: Auberon Waugh
2563 yes The Grass Harp: Truman Capote
2564 Two Weeks In Another Town: Irwin Shaw
2565 Ten Plus One: Ed McBain
2566 The Train: Georges Simenon
2567 Death of a Fat God: H.R.F. Keating
2568 Lord Emsworth and Others: P.G. Wodehouse
2569 Heavy Weather: P.G. Wodehouse
2570 Galahad at Blandings: P.G. Wodehouse
2571 yes Madame Maigret's Friend: Georges Simenon
2572 The Politics of Experience: R. D. Laing
2573 yes The Marsh Arabs: Wilfred thesiger
2574 New American Story: Ed. Robert Creely & Donald Allen
2575 Exit 3 & Other Stories: Michael Rumaker
2576 Colloden: John Prebble
2577 Chaos and Night: Henry de Montherlant
2578 yes Killy: Donald Westlake
2579 yes Enter Murderers: Henry Slesaw
2580 yes Martin Eden: Jack London
2581 A Tree of Night and Other Stories: Truman Capote
2582 The Thief's Journal: Jean Genet
2583 Calamity Town: Ellery Queen
2584 The Unquiet Grave: Cyril Connolly
2585 Double Barrell: Nicholas Freeling
2586 After All, This is England: Robert Muller
2587 A Wreath of Roses: Elizabeth Taylor
2588 361: Donald Westlake
2589 The Pat Hobby Stories: F. Scott Fitzgerald
2590 yes The Iron Staircase: Georges Simenon
2591 The Wind from Nowhere: J.G. Ballard
2592 The Visitors: Mary McMinnies
2593 A Ring of Roses: John Blackburn
2594 The Wanderer: Fritz Leiber
2595 The Fossil Monarchies: The Collapse of the Old Order: Edmond Taylor
2596 yes Time and Again: Clifford D. Simak
2597 Malcolm: James Purdy
2598 Barbarosssa: Alan Clark
2599 The Devil in the Hills: Cesare Pavese
2600 Davy: Edgar Pangborn
2601 no Animal Game: Frank Tuohy
2602 no A Single Man: Christopher Isherwood
2603 no The Young Assassins: Juan Goytisolo
2604 no The Grand Catch: Gil Buhet
2605 no Joby: Stan Barstow
2606 no To Find a Man: S.J. Wilson
2607 no The Finishing Stroke: Ellery Queen
2608 no The Penguin Guide to Bargain Records: Edward Greenfield
2609 no Is Paris Burning? Larry Collins
2610 no Wild Cat Falling: Colin Johnson
2611 no Ahead of the Game: Four Versions of Avant-garde: Calvin Tomkins
2612 no The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald: Ed. Andrew Turnbull
2613 no German Writing Today: Ed. Christopher Middleton
2614 no Components of the Scene: Ronald Blythe
2615 no Empress Josephine: Ernest John Knapton
2616 no The Harmless People: Elizabeth Marshall
2617 ThePenguin Book ofEnglish Short Stories: Ed. C. Dolley (reprint)
2618 no South African Writing Today: Lionel Abrahams
2619 yes The Spear Grinner: Clive Barry
2620 no Tiger! Tiger! : Alfred Bester
2621 The Assistant: Bernard Malamud
2622 no Nina Upstairs: Beverley Gasner
2623 no The Living and the Dead: Patrick White
2624 Murder clear, Track Fast: Judson Philips
2625 The Hunter and the Horns: W.H. Canaway
2626 Gabot Wright Begins: James Purdy
2627 Age of Napoleon: J. Christopher Herold
2628 Scruffy: Paul Gallico
2629 A Moment in Time: H.E. Bates
2630 Negatives: Peter Everitt
2631 Axe: Ed. McBain
2632 Due to a Death: Mary Kelly
2633 Search the Sky: Frederik Pohl
2634 A Summer Bird Cage: Margaret Drabble
2635 Blood of the Lamb: Peter de Vries
2636 At Swim-Two-Birds: Flann O'Brien
2637 I, Claud: Claud Cockburn
2638 Maigret and the Saturday Caller: Georges Simenon
2639 America: Franz Kafka
2640 Penguin Technology Survey 1967: Edited by Arthur Garrett
2641 My Life in Art: constantin Stanislavski
2642 The Hard Sell: William Haggard
2643 Liza of Lambeth: W. Somerset Maugham
2644 A Writer's Notebook: W. Somerset Maugham
2645 Mrs. Craddoch: W. Somerset Maugham
2646 Odd Man Out: W. Somerset Maugham
2647 Christmas Holidays: W. Somerset Maugham
2648 Then and Now: Virginia Woolf
2649 reprint Girls in their Married Bliss: Edna O'Brien
2650 What Happened at Hazelwood: Michael Innes
2651 The Urban District Lover: Jack Trevor Story
2652 The Terrible Door: George Sims
2653 To Let: John Galsworthy
2654 An Actor Prepares: Constantin Stanislavski
2655 The Pink and the Brown: Hugh Atkinson
2656 The Penguin French Readers: Simon Lee
2657 The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming: Nathaniel Benchley
2658 King Edward the Seventh: Philip Magnus-Allcroft
2659 The Great Salad Oil Swindle: Norman Mailer
2660 The Whisperers: Robert Nicolson
2661 A Sea of Troubles: Marguerite Duras
2662 The Billion Dollar Brain: Len Deighton
2663 A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush: Erick Newby
2664 Make Room ! Make Room !: Harry Harrison
2665 Synthetic Fun: Jeremy Stanford & Roger Law
2666 A New Life: Bernard Malamud
2667 Bags of Swank: David Walder
2668 The Magician: W. Somerset Maugham
2669 Theatre: W. Somerset Maugham
2670 Up at the Villa: W. Somerset Maugham
2671 Catalina: W. Somerset Maugham
2672 Court of Crows: Robert Knowlton
2673 Nairn's Paris: Ian Nairn
2674 The Wrethed of the Earth: Frantz Fanon
2675 The Year of the Gorilla: George Schaller
2676 The Paradise People: David Lytton
2677 The White Monkey: John Galsworthy
2678 The Silver Spoon: John Galsworthy (reprint)
2679 Swan Song: John Galsworthy
2680 The Door: Georges Simenon
2681 The Snow Goose & the Small Miracle: Paul Gallico
2682 In Cold Blood: Truman Capote
2683 The Perfect Murder: H.R.F. Keating
2684 Cool Hand Luke: Don Pearce
2685 Journals 1889-1949: Andre Gide
2686 Squares of the City: John Brunner
2687 Penguin Science Survey 1967: Ed. Anthony Allison
2688 Penguin Science Survey 1967: Edited by Nicholas Valery
2689 Destination Void: Frank Herbert
2690 Rush to Judgement: Mark Lane
2691 The End of the Road: John Barth
2692 Reflections in a Golden Eye: Carson McCullers
2693 The Graduate: Charles Webb
2694 Berserker: Fred Saberhagen
2695 The End of the Road: John Barth
2696 Writers in the New Cuba: Ed. J.M. Cohen
2697 German Phrase Book: Ute Hitchin
2698 A Plague of Demons: Keith Laumer
2699 yes The Chase: Richard Unekis
2700 The Winter People: Gilbert Phelps
2701 Maigret Loses his Temper: Georges Simenon
2702 The Joyous Invasions: Theodore Sturgeon
2703 yes The antagonists: William Haggard
2704 Friday The Rabbi Slept Late: Harry Kemelman
2705 yes The Ginger Man: J.P. Donleavy
2706 The Penguin French Phrase Book: Henri Orteu
2707 The Penguin Italian Phrase Book: Jill Norman
2708 The Penguin Spanish Phrase Book: Maria Alvarez
2709 The Penguin Russian Phrase Book: Victor & Jill Norman Gregory
2710 Rork!: Avram Davidson
2711 yes Strike The Father Dead: John Wain
2712 How to Survive Parenthood: Eda J. LeShan
2713 yes Accounting for Murder: Emma Lathen
2714 yes The Fixer: Bernard Malamud
2715 Telepathist: John Brunner
2716 The Eighth Penguin Crossword Puzzle Book: Alan Cash Editor
2717 Len Deighton's London Dossier: Len Deighton
2718 The Busy Body: Donald Westlake
2719 yes Meet My Maker The Mad Molecule: J.P. Donleavy
2720 August is a Wicked Month: Edna O'Brien
2721 The Fetish & Other Stories: Alberto Moravia
2722 Somewhere in a Voice: Eric Frank Russell
2723 Dr. Faustus: Thomas Mann
2724 It Wasn't Me: Ian Jeffries
2725 The Robber's Tale: Peta Fordham
2726 The Daily Telegraph Tenth Crossword Puzzle Book
2727 yes Words: John Sarte
2728 yes Gile Goat-Boy: John Barth
2729 The Penguin History of Christianity Vol I
2730 The The Penguin History of Christianity Vol 2
2731 yes The Sentries by Ed McBain
2732 Stranger in the House: Georges Simenon
2733 Writers and Politics: Connor Cruise O'Brien
2734 The Last Refuse: John Petty
2735 yes Cobbler's Dream: Monica Dickens
2736 Stories Vol. 4: Bernice Bobs Her Hair: F. Scott Fitzgerald
2737 The Inquisitors: George Andreyevsky
2738 Garden of the Finzi-Continis: Giorgio Bassani
2739 Brother's Keeper: Frank Smith
2740 To An Early Grave: Wallace Markfield
2741 Ladies of the Rachmaninoff Eyes: Henry van Dyke
2742 The Player on the Other Side: Ellery Queen
2743 Little Cabbages: George Mikes
2744 How to Unite Nations: George Mikes
2745 The Mandelbaum Gate: Muriel Spark
2746 Penguin Survey: Business and Industry 1967: Andrew Robertson
2747 How to Win the Business Battle
2748 Nerve: Dick Francis
2749 The Russian Interpreter: Michael Frayn
2750 The Penguin Wolf Mankowitz: Wolf Mankowitz
2751 The Powder Barrel: William Haggard
2752 Polish Writing Today: Ed. Celina Wieniewska
2753 The Drought: J.G. Ballard
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2755 The Adventures of Hiram Holiday: Paul Gallico
2756 The Red and the Gree: Iris Murdoch
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2758 Before Victoria: Muriel Jaegar
2759 Gascoyne: Stanley G. Crawford
2760 Waldorf: James Goldman
2761 Criminal conversation: Nicolas Freeling
2762 Titus Groan: Mervyn Peake
2763 The Annotated Snark: Ed. Martin Gardner
2764 The Penguin: John Glashan
2765 The Penguin Book of French Short Stories: ed. Edward Marielle
2766 The Comedians: Graham Greene
2767 Profile of Australia: Craig McGregor
2768 Games People Play: Eric Berne
2769 The Egyptologists: Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest
2770 Out of Hiding: W.J. Weatherby
2771 Penguin Russian Reader: P.H. Meads
2772 Force of Circumstance: Simone de Beauvoir
2773 The Fatal Impact: Alan Moorehead
2774 no Schoolhouse in the Clouds: Edmund Hillary
2775 reprint And quiet Flows the don: Mikhail Sholokhov
2776 The Burnt Ones: Patrick White
2777 The Watcher on the Shore: Stan Barlow
2778 The Reefs of Space: Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
2779 The Mind Readers: Margery Allingham
2780 Is Skin Deep, is Fatal: H.R.F. Keating
2781 Australian Writing Today: Ed. Charles Higham
2782 Devil in the Flesh: Raymond Radiquet
2783 The Natural: Bernard Malamud
2784 The Italians: Luigi Barzini
2785 Maid in Waiting: John Galsworthy
2786 Flowering wilderness: John Galsworthy
2787 Over the River: John Galsworthy (reprint)
2788 Dead Corpse: Mary Kelly
2789 The Blue Room: Georges Simenon
2790 Kitchener: Philip Magnus
2791 Late Call: Angus Wilson
2792 The Trap & A Dance in the Sun: Dan Jacobson
2793 The Price of Diamonds: Dan Jacobson
2794 The Beginners: Dan Jacobson
2795 Speciality of the House: Stanley Ellin
2796 Maigret Sets a Trap: Simenon
2797 Pay Now, Die Later: James Gollin
2798 Honor Blackman's Book of Self-defence: Honor Blackman
2800 A Mother's Kisses: Bruce Jay Friedman
2801 Hell's Angels: Hunter S. Thompson
2802 Penguin Book of Comics: James Perry
2803 The Anti-Death League: Kingsley Amis
2804 The Long Result: John Brunner
2805 French Writing Today: edSimon Watson Taylor
2806 The Sunday Telegraph Second Crossword Puzzle Book
2807 Writing in England Today: The Last fifteen Years: ed. Karl Miller
2808 A Long Way to Shiloh: Lionel Davidson
2809 The Bloody Wood: Michael Innes
2810 Fires of Youth: James Lincoln Collier
2811 The Willow Pattern: Robert van Gulik
2812 Epitaph of a Small Winner: Machado de Assis
2813 Old Mali and the Boy: D.R. Sherman
2814 The Patient: Georges Simenon
2815 Beer in the Snooker Club: Waguih Ghali
2816 no The Medium is the Massage: McLuhan & Fiore
2817 A significant Experience: Gwyn Griffin
2818 The Eighth Day: Thornton Wilder
2819 Little Big Man: Thomas Berger
2820 Reinhart in Love: Thomas Berger
2821 A Sense of Reality: Graham Greene
2822 In Search of a Character: Two African Journals: Graham Greene
2823 Penguin Social Sciences Survey 1968: Julius Gould
2824 The Autobiography of Malcolm X: Alex Haley
2825 House of Cards: Stanley Ellin
2826 The Lacquer Screed: van Gulik
2827 Love on the Dole: Walter Greenwood
2828 The Wedding Party: H.E. Bates
2829 The Wapshot Scandal: John Cheever
2830 Like Love: Ed McBain
2831 Maigret on the Defensive: Georges Simenon
2832 The Saddest Summer of Samuel S. J.Donleavy
2833 Memoirs of a New Man: William Cooper
2834 The Man Who Loved Children: Christina Stead
2835 The Merry Go Round in the Sea: Randolph Stow
2836 Everything That Rises Must Converge: Flannery O'Connor
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2956 yesxxxx
2958 yes
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2971 yes
2975 yes
2976 yes
2978 yes
2979 yes
2980 yes
2988 The Cabala by Thornton Wilder
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