I still need 9 books that are first published copies. See my list below to see which ones I still need. The highlighted names below are books I have that are safely stored in my collection.
(The check list was written by Martin Yates from the Penguin Collection Society- March 2008)
Penguin No.
60 The Dark Invader by Captain von Rintelen=Frnz
Rintelen von Kleis
66 The Surgeon's Log by James Johnston Abraham
67 My South Sea Island by Eric Muspratt
68 With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet by Alexandra
69 Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident
Magistrate (1) by C.A.W. Monckton
70 Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident Magistrate (2) by C.A.W. Monckton
82 Undertones of War by Edmund Blunden
99 The Worst Journey in the World (1) by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
100 The Worst Journey in the World (2) by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
113 The Secret of the Sahara: Kufara by Rosita Forbes
126 Trader Horn: Alfred Aloysius Horn
133 Watkins' Last Expedition by F. Spencer Chapman
139 Flying Dutchman- The Life of Anthony Fokker by Anthony Fokker & Bruce Gould
148 The Land that God Gave Cain by James M. Scott
149 Winged Warfare by W.A. Bishop V.C.
161 North to the Orient by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
168 The House of Exile by Nora Waln
183 The of the Firecrest by Alain Gerbault
187 The Egypt's Gold by David Scott
193 Sledge- The British Trans Greenland Expedition 1934 by Martin Lindsay, Frank Wilson
198 Amateur Adventure by K.C. Gandar Dower
202 The Escaping Club by A.J. Evans
205 From Red Sea to Blue Nile by Rosita Forbes
223 Two Vagabonds in Serbia and Montenegro 1915 by Jan and Cora Gordon
226 Across Lapland with Sledge and Reindeer by Olive Murray Chapman
233 Those Greenland Days by Martin Lindsay
236 The Southseaman- A Life Story of a Schooner by Weston Martyr
242 Hindoo Holiday- An Indian Journal by J.R. Ackerley
255 Arctic Village by Robert Marshall
258 Wild Oats by Eric Muspratt
261 Marching on Tanga by Francis Brett Young (originally published in orange cover but reprinted
to reflect correct cerise cover)
281 Within Four Walls by M.C.C. Harrison
286 The Tunnellers of Holzminden by H.G. Dunford
287 Cage-Birds by H.E. Hervey (need first published copy of this book)
290 Russian Road to India by Kabul and Samarkand by Rosita Forbes
294 Siamese White by Maurice Collis
298 Ju-Ju and Justice in Nigeria (told by) Frank Hives and written by Gascoine Lumley
309 Eastern Flights- A Record of Escape by Alan Bott
310 My Journey to Lhasa by Alexandra David - Neel (need first published copy of this book)
315 The Land of the Blue Poppy by F. Kingdon Ward
347 Trade Winds by Louis Kornitzer
360 An Air Fighter's Scrap-Book by Ira Jones
363 Dialogue with Death by Arthur Koestler; translated by Trevor and Phyllis Blewitt
369 A Naturalist Goes to War by Philip Gosse
374 English Captain by Tom Wintringham (need first published of this book)
405 Passenger to Teheran by Vita Sackville-West
417 South Latitude by F.D. Ommanney
424 Sporting Adventure by James Wentworth Day
426 Sea Escapes and Adventures by Taffrail = Taprell Dorling
431 Russian Newsreel An Eye Witness a/c of the Soviet Union at War by Charlotte Haldane
439 Guerrilla War in Abyssinia by W.E.D. Allen
440 The 6,000 Beards of Athos by Ralph H. Brewster
441 Into Madagascar by K.C. Gandar Dower
448 A Game Warden Among his Charges by C.R.S. Pitman
458 The Cruise of the Cachalot by Frank Thomas Bullen (need first published copy of this book)
465 Sea and Sardinia by D.H. Lawrence
467 The Russian Campaigns 1941-43 (the sequel No 518 later published in grey cover)by WED
Allen & Paul Muratoff
479 The Southern Gates of Arabia by Freya Stark
483 Fountains in the Sand by Norman Douglas
490 Escape to Switzerland also published as Services Edition SE 2 by G.R. de Beer
491 Africa Dances by Geoffrey Gorer
492 A South Sea Diary by S.W. Powell
502 Together by Norman Douglas
527 Hashish by Henry de Monfreid
530 Traveller from Tokyo by John Morris
533 Sea Adventures by Henry de Monfreid
541 Pearls and Men by Louis Kornitzer
559 The Lawless Roads by Graham Greene
578 Two Years Before the Mast (double volume) Richard Henry Dana
607 Lord Anson's Voyage Round the World 1740- 44 by Richard Walter
619 African Discovery-An Anthology of Exploration ed by Margery Perham & Jack Simmons
625 Siren Land by Norman Douglas
678 The Oregon Trail- Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain by Francis Parkman (double vol)
756 Etruscan Places by D.H. Lawrence
784 The Colossus of Maroussi by Henry Miller
846 Ten Years Under the Earth by Norbert Casteret, Burrows Massey trans from 3 French titles
878 The Valleys of the Assassins by Freya Stark
898 The Sea and the Jungle by H.M. Tomlinson
913 Out of Africa by Karen Blixen = Isak Dinesen
1015 Desert and Forest by L.M. Nesbitt (need first published copy of this book)
1036 Man-Eaters of Kumaon by Jim Corbett
1048 Beyond the Mexique Bay by Aldous Huxley
1142 One's Company by Peter Fleming
1155 The Essential T.E. Lawrence (No 1015 on spine) by T.E. Lawrence
1157 Passages from Arabia Deserta by Charles Montagu Doughty
1184 Brazilian Adventure by Peter Fleming
1186 Return to Paradise by James Michener
1228 The Overloaded Ark by Gerald Durrell
1230 The Alleys of Marrakesh by Peter Mayne
1266 The Bafut Beagles by Gerald Durrell
1314 The Drunken Forest (reprint) Gerald Durrell (reprint-need first published copy)
1399 My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell (need first published copy)
Looks great! Visit also museuly!
ReplyDeleteI have a few first editions of the travel books that you're looking for. Do you have any of the early crime penguins? Perhaps we could trade.