I currently have the following books but am always searching for more.
Penguin Specials have the letter S on the spine before the number.
S 3: Blackmail or War by Genevieve Tabouis
(6th Edition- revised 1938)
(6th Edition- revised 1938)
S 4: Searchlight on Spain by Duchess of Atholl, M.P. (Third Large Edition - Sep't 1938 w/ new
maps) Originally published in June 1938 and again in June 1938)
S 8: The Air Defence of Britain by Air Commodores L. Charlton,G. Garratt & LT Commander R.
Fletcher M.P. (1938 reprint) Original publication also in 1938
S 13: What Hitler Wants by E. O. Lorimer (1939)
S 14: Mowrer in China by Edgar Ansel Mowrer (1938)
S 19: Britain by Mass-Observation written by Charles Madge and Tom Harrisson (1939)
S 20: The Press by Wickham Steed 1938)
S 24: They Betrayed Czechoslovakia by C. J. George (1938)
S 25: I Was Hitler's Prisoner by Stefan Lorant (1939)
S 34: Poland by W. J. Rose (1939)
S 36: The Attack from Within by Elwyn Jones (1939) (two copies)
S 48: An ABC of International Affairs: The Penguin Political Dictionary compiled by Walter
Theorem (1939)
S 51: Must The War Spread by D. N. Pritt, K.C., M.P. (1940)
S 54: Unser Kampf- Our Struggle by Sir Richard Acland M.P. (1940)
S 60: Warships at Work by A.C. Hardy Illus by L Dunn (1940)
S 75: New Ways of War by Tom Wintringham (1940)
S 76: The Real Cost of War by J. Keith Horsefield
S 76: The Real Cost of War by J. Keith Horsefield
S ??: Generals and Generalship Lectures @ Trinity College 1939 by General Wavell (1941)
S ??: Reaching For the Stars by Nora Waln Australian Edition (1942) British Edition was published
in 1942 also but I don't have it.
S 83: Europe At War by Low (A history in 60 cartoons w/ narrative text) (1941reprint) Original 1941
S 135: How the Jap Army Fights by varied members of USA Army First published Australian edition
(1944), British edition was originally published 1943
S 149: Miners Day by B.L. Coombes (1945)
S 158: Policy For The West by Barbara Ward (1951)
S 159: Attitude to Africa by W A Lewis, M Scott, M Wight, C. Legum (1951)
S 161: The Kingship of Christ by The Bishop of Chichester, G.K.A.Bell (1954)
S 168: Pattern of the Post-War World by Gordon Connell-Smith (1957)
S 168: Pattern of the Post-War World by Gordon Connell-Smith (1957)
S 171: 60 Seasons of League Football by R. C. Churchill (1958)
S 174: Geography of World Affairs- A Penguin Special by J.P. Cole
S 184: Brighter Than 1000 Suns by Robert Junk (1960)
S 185: The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard (1960 reprint) Originally published 1959
S 186: America the Vincible by Emmet John Hughes (1959)
S 187: The Organization Man by William H. Whyte (1960)
S 187: The Organization Man by William H. Whyte (1960)
S 196: Hanged in Error by Leslie Hale (1961)
S 197: Hanged by the Neck by Arthur Koestler & C.H.Rolph (1961)
S 201: The General Says No by Nora Beloff (1963)
S 203: Madison Avenue U.S.A. (1961)
S 203: Madison Avenue U.S.A. (1961)
S 214: United Nations: Piety Myth and Truth by Andrew Boyd (1962)
S 217: Britain in the Sixties: The Crown and the Establishment by Kingsley Martin (1963)
S 233: The Last Confucian (Vietnam, South East Asia, and the West) by Dennis Warner (1964)
S 242: The Challenor Case by Mary Grigg (1965)
S 262: May Day Manifesto 1968 Edited by Raymond Williams (1968)
S 268: Obsolete Communish The Left-Wing Alternative by Gabriel & Daniel Cohn-Bendit (1969)
S ???: South East Asia in Turmoil (1965)
S ???: South East Asia in Turmoil (1965)
South East Asia in Turmoil was originally issued as Penguin Special S240 (January 1965), It was reissued as Pelican A799 (January 1966)